Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Trip to Raleigh

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Shena was just afraid that she might not be able to stay awake on the drive back if she took her parents to Raleigh, so I did wind up taking them over, which was fine. Jim left today for Las Vegas, too, so I didn't miss much at work. Cade and I made the trip, Shena and Kelson stayed home and took naps. Cade was good. Very quiet on the way over, until about 10 minutes before we got there, then he talked a little bit. He wouldn't say goodbye to Bart & Cherie. I think he was sad to see them go. He loves his grandparents and doesn't like it much when they have to leave. Cherie asked him if he remembered the last time he was in Idaho and that just set him off telling stories. He started talking about how Tanner got in trouble for not listening to Becky, and that he didn't listen either. It was pretty funny.

After I got back about 4:30, I decided to go into the office for a bit just to make sure there was nothing that HAD to be done before the end of the day. There wasn't, so I looked over our taxes that we are going to be turning in. Keith Hiatt called me the other day and said he wanted me to look at them and see if I couldn't track down some business expenses because as of right now we OWE taxes...which has NEVER happened to me, that I can remember. I would hate to have to pay, too. We were kind of looking forward to getting a bit of money back so that we could put it towards the Nissan Sentra to get it paid off sooner. I'm going to have to track down some receipts to try to get the bill lower.

I played basketball tonight for the first time in forever. I was curious how my back/butt would do. I tried to stretch out really well before I started playing. Unfortunately I only got to play two games because there were about 18 people there, so we tried to rotate enough that everyone could play. Good news is my back/butt didn't hurt at all. I didn't play 100%, but I didn't walk, either. That was encouraging. Bad news is, I am so out of shape, it is sick. Is it bad if you can taste blood after sprinting up and down the floor twice? So pitiful that I can't play any longer than that without getting tired. What made it worse is that everybody out there but two others were under 21. They all looked like a bunch of high school kids, and they were all pretty decent so they have probably been playing this last season at their high school and are in shape since the season just ended. Oh well. At least I got to play.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Shena has her good days and bad days. The last couple she hasn't felt well in the afternoon. The mornings are ok, but not great, the afternoons she is pretty nauseas. I feel bad, but I don't know what else to do for her. She also felt bad today because she didn't feel very good today. She said she feels like we bored her parents because we didn't do much and that they would think she was a poor hostess. I don't know if they minded or not, but I doubt it.

Arellano Update
Mom made it to SLC. She said she is staying at the Inn at Temple Square for the night. Not sure what the rest of the intinerary is. I assume they are driving to Vegas tomorrow. She had me stop by their house tonight and turn the heat down. She forgot, and that would have made a pretty wasteful 12 days to have no one living in it, and the heat pump still going trying to keep the house at 75 degrees, like dad likes it.

Marcos said that is still trying to figure out where to go this summer for his internship. Sounds like one of the possibilities is Pocatello. That would be kind of cool for him, but not real exotic, and probably not as cool to tell all his law school buddies. They would all be like "You are going WHERE? WHY? Don't you want to go to Paris or London or something?" He said he would have to make a decision in the next 3 weeks or so.

Adam has reported that he is going to wind up going to school at the University of Utah. NC State and UNC Chapel-Hill gave him grief for having a diploma from a Utah HS, instead of a NC HS and they claim he is missing a course they require, so they won't let him in. I think he tried all the avenues to get in, and couldn't, but seemed to have no problem getting into "The U" so I guess that is where he is supposed to be. Melissa has a sister there close, so they will be able to spend time together...and SLC is much easier to get to than some other places, so we won't complain too much.

Christensen Update
I have a bit to share myself, for once. I got to over hear a bit of a conversation between Bart & Kyle. They were thinking of buying a new piece of equipment for the farm (a drill...plants the grain seeds in the ground). I know it may not mean much to most of you, but Bart was excited for the good it would do the farm.

Daily Report
Sleep: 12:10 - 7:12 - didn't hear from the boys until then...and what is it with me not getting to sleep until after 12:00? It must be this blog thing...I blame all of YOU.

Breakfast: None

Lunch: Finished off the white rice and italian/cream cheese chicken (still haven't thought of that dish name yet) , milk - had a couple of CC cookies too.

Dinner: Homemade breakfast burritos (egg, cheese and salsa on flour tortillas) - two of 'em, and a cheese taco, orange juice...after basketball had some strawberry cobbler left over from Stamey's last night and milk (I deserved it after the exercise, right?)