Friday, March 11, 2005

ACC Tourney Time

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
A crazy day at work since I have been gone all week. I put my head down at 8:00 to start work and next thing I knew it was lunch time. When I got back from lunch, went back to work and it was suddenly 5:30 and time to go home. In some ways it is good, it makes the time go by fast, but then again it makes life seem like it is flying by, too.

Vachon was at the house when I got home for lunch. He and Sean were dropping off the materials to build the addition. Of course the boys were excited to see them doing that. They were glued to the back door and our dining room window (which faces out the side of the house) watching as the truck lifted its bed and slid the materials off. Cade gave me a play by play while Kelson supplied the sound effects. Crazy kids.

The Slacks came over to watch basketball - Wake Forest vs. NC State (the boys) and knit (the girls). Shena felt like she could handle a little bit of company, so she asked Teresa to come over. We ate at Mexico (carry out - they forgot to send our rice and beans so I had to go back and get them....I told the guys that the next time I came to eat there I expected the food free!) just before the Slack's got there, then had ice cream and brownies with them. We had a good time. The boys really like to play with Coit, and Munsey and I get along pretty well. We always have a lot of laughs when we get together.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Already gave you the news...mostly. Shena was doing much better today than she did yesterday. She spent a good part of the day on the phone talking to friends who helped keep her spirits up, and then she also felt well enough to have company, so that is good.

Arellano Update
Spoke to Marcos for a few minutes today. He is working on getting an interview for an internship at the Department of State. He is also excited to be coming home for spring break tomorrow.

Christensen Update
None to report by me.

Daily Report
Sleep: 10:45 - 6:00 - a little more sound sleep...not sure if that was from pure exhaustion or if Shena slept better too.

Breakfast: None

Lunch: Leftover's from Plummer's - white rice covered with chicken, steamed vegetables, roll - I also had to have another one of those brownies with vanilla ice cream and hot fudge...they are dang good - had some milk too

Dinner: Mexic0 - chicken fajitas, tortillas, rice and beans, kool-aid - later had another one of those brownies - I think I found a new favorite dessert. For the record, the brownies aren't just chocolate brownies, they have chocolate veins through them and small chocolate chunks, too.