Friday, March 04, 2005


***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Wasn't able to get this posted on it's correct day (Typing this on Saturday). Sorry about that, we got in VERY late from the Plummer's, and I just couldn't concentrate to type, but I also couldn't get to sleep. Very frustrating.

Vachon started work on the addition today (see pictures below). Shena called me at about 11:40 and said that he had just pulled up and was talking his Bobcat off his trailer. By the time I got home for lunch about 20 minutes later he had made quite a mess. He was only clearing as much room as they needed to start the footings. One of the little trees he knocked down had a great big root system. He said that it looked like they had cut one down a long time ago and another started growing in it's same place. The ground was a little softer than he or I expected, so he made quite a mess with his tires digging into the ground. He said that the ground would have to dry some before they could start anything, since it was so soft. As long as it doesn't rain, they will continue working first part of the week. Now we just have to hope that we don't get any moisture. At least it has started...that is the good part.

Work was hard today because only myself and the office manager, Faye Mitchell, were there from about 3:30 on. Everybody else had one reason or another for being gone. Sure makes it tough to concentrate when there is nobody there.

Went and played basketball with the ward tonight. When I went Tuesday night, Charles Booker asked if I would come and play tonight. I forgot to tell Shena that I had told Charles I would be there, and she made plans for us to go over to the Plummer's to eat dinner and watch "Ray". We decided to compromise a bit. I would go and play if they needed me, but if they didn't I would come back to Plummer's right away. When I got to the game there were only 6 of us, so I decided that consititued "needing me." We didn't play real well, but the good news is I was able to play about 90% (not 100 because I'm out of shape and still a little tentative about hurting my back/butt again) and I didn't feel any pain at all...except the burning in my lungs as I tried to suck wind. We played Colfax, which has a pretty decent team. We were losing by 12 at halftime, and only scored six points in the first quarter...pretty ugly, but we were still kind of in it. By halftime four other guys had shown up. I got put back in to start the second half, along with all the new guys, and I think we scored about 4 points in 5:00 minutes. What's worse, nobody was playing defense, and it was not pretty basketball at all. Then, to top it off (and get me pretty ticked off), some of our team were on the sidelines laughing at us while we played. Not cool. It's one thing to have a little fun at the expense of the other team, it's another to be laughing out loud and talking trash to your own team. I came out and headed home to take a shower before going to Plummer's. I felt a little like Randy Moss, ditching everybody before the game was over like that, but they really didn't need me and I was pretty ticked at our teammates laughing at us. I figured I could have more fun at the Plummer's.

We had a good time at the Plummer's. I didn't get there until about 8:15. They had all eaten, but apparently were waiting for me to show up to start the movie. Bad idea. It was about 9:00 before we started it...and it's 2.5 hours long. Ed and I were struggling to stay awake during the whole thing. It was a good movie, but I still think the guy from "Hotel Rwanda" should have won over Jamie Foxx. My personal opinion. As talented as he was a singer/songwriter, Ray had some major issues. I still don't understand why anybody would even want to TRY drugs. I have yet to know anybody who thinks they wouldn't be better off if they hadn't started taking them.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Cade and Kelson were glued to the back door this afternoon while Vachon was knocking down trees. Kelson especially. He kept yelling "Oh no! Mess! Mud! Oh no!" Pretty funny. Vachon kept looking through the door to see if they were still watching him. I think he enjoyed having an audience and I think he knew how much they liked watching that Bobcat knock down the trees. If you ever get Cade on the phone, ask him about it...he'll probably go on for five minutes telling you all about it.

Arellano Update
Haven't talked to anybody in a couple of days...I think most of the family is in Las Vegas.

Christensen Update
None to report.

Daily Report
Sleep: 12:00 - 7:00 - I still can't figure out why when I get up earlier I wind up going to bed later. I guess if I start getting up at 5:00 I will probably be going to bed about 2:30 am.

Breakfast: None

Lunch: corn tortillas with cheese, A&W - one oreo cookie and a swallow of milk (I had gotten some milk for Cade to dunk an oreo in, he didn't want that much milk, so I had to finish it off...and I couldn't just drink it without a cookie myself now, could I?

Dinner: Angel hair pasta with spaghetti sauce, water - homemade apple pie...Shena's is the best! So good. I wound up having two pieces before the night was over.