Saturday, March 26, 2005

Painting Easter Eggs

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
I got up this morning thinking that I had some time before I had to get some of the back yard cleaned up. The weather report yesterday said it was going to be rainy this morning, but be cloudy but no rains in the afternoon. When I checked the weather first thing, they had completely switched the report (of course). It was supposed to be cloudy but not raining in the morning. I got outside about 9:00 and started cutting. I know you were all so excited to find out how my new shoes and gloves did. They did great. I was able to cut the wood so much more cleanly, my footing was strong, my grip was was just a beautiful thing to watch with my new gear. Anyway, Shena called Brad Crockett, who is in our ward, to come and help me move some of the trees. I didn't want her to, because I don't want to feel like a charity case and I don't want people to feel like I am calling all the time asking for help. I am also trying to hold off on calling anybody until I have A LOT of trees down and I need to get them cut up fairly quickly. This tree project will take me several weeks, so it isn't like this was the only week I would be cutting down trees. Brad made the mistake of telling Shena that he liked to work outside and wouldn't mind cutting down tress at all. It was nice of him to come by, though, and he did help me out a great deal. He's a big guy and could take a load in trip that would probably take 3. He probably saved me about 4 to 6 hours worth of work by myself. He had to leave right around noon, and I wound up working for another 2.5 hours or so. I had cut down two more decent size trees and then a whole bunch of saplings, so I had to get those cleaned up. I essentially worked until I ran out of bar and chain oil. It would have taken me about 15 minutes to get another bottle of oil, but that was my excuse to quit. I was getting tired and Shena wanted me to help her with the boys for a bit.

Before we even started working outside, us boys got haircuts. It had been 3 weeks, and I was looking especially nappy. I think I've mentioned this before, but I will say it again anyway (I have a word minimum I have to meet in this blog, you know) I like the way a new haircut looks, I just hate getting it cut and getting the hair all over me. I wish those "Flowbee" thingies really worked. I would love to have my haircut and not have any hair all over my neck.

At about 5:00, mom and dad and the Crocketts came over for pizza and to decorate easter eggs. Cody (their little boy) was asleep when they got here, so they laid him on our bed to nap. We were going to wait until he woke up to start decorating easter eggs. I can't believe he slept through all the noise that was going on in the house. Cade and Kelson were absolutely balistic...a million miles an hour running around and jumping on grandpa. Very noisey. Then the rest of us were trying to carry on conversations over them, plus the basketball games were on in the background. It was a mad house. We had fun, otherwise. When it came time to decorate eggs, we had one had 2 adults for each kid, and it still wasn't enough to keep any order or to keep the accidents down. Kelson and Cody would grab for the cups of egg dye every chance the had. Cade was tossing eggs in the cups like it was a basketball hoop. I was trying to take pictures while Shena tried to keep track of whose eggs were whose. W ild. That is all I can say about tonight. Absolutely wild.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Cade has been doing a lot of drawing recently. He likes to draw faces (Grandpa A taught him how), and he has started putting hair on the heads now. Anyway, he had been walking around with paper and a pen in his hand for several hours when Shena asked him if he was going to be an artist when he grew up, he saidn "No, mom, I'm going to be Cade."

Arellano Update
None to report, that I know of.

Christensen Update
None to report that I know of. I'm going to start harassing Shena gain about adding to this section. I didn't want to bug her after the mis-carriage thing, but I think it is time she start contributing! :)

Daily Report
Sleep: 11:15 - ^7:00, 7:10 - 7:30 - I'm starting to feel guilty for trying to sleep in on Saturday's. I know I could use the sleep, but so could Shena, and one of us has to get up with the boys, so I try to get up at the same time.

Breakfast: 1 bowl of frosted mini-wheats

Lunch: None - too busy cutting, I was afraid if I sat down to eat, I wouldn't get back outside. I did have 2 cookies and milk at about 2:30, when I got in.

Dinner: Domino's - three or four slices (I lost track) of ham and pineapple pizza, coke - later we had some ice cream (I had rocky road)