Wednesday, March 30, 2005

"Lost" is Back

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
The construction crew got two windows and our back door up today (pictures tomorrow). We are still waiting for another week for the last window (which had to be ordered). After all this major progress the last week or so, it is going to be a long couple of weeks waiting for everything to get finished. We are ready to start using that room!

I left work about 1/2 hour early to try to take advantage of the sunny weather and cut up some more trees. Since Vachon made the mess on Sunday, the yard looks bad (not that it looks good with a bunch of stumps and mud, but still better than trees all over the ground. I recruited dad to come over and help me out. The work sure goes faster with 2 than with just me. We were able to clear about 2/3 of what Vachon had cut down. We also made some plans for what I would cut down next. I think I can cut down more than I expected to be able to cut down before. Another couple weeks and I hope to have all the trees down that I wanted down.

We cut until it got dark, then I showered and Shena and I watched a new episode of "Lost" (it had been several weeks since they showed a new one). It was good, of course. Kept us hanging on, as usual. The frustrating thing is ABC has been running the show over by 5 minutes (only Lost as far as I know), so when we reocrded it, we missed the last 5 minutes. I will have to try to figure out what we missed out on. It was showing a "back story" on one of the characters when it stopped recording, and it looked to me like he was about to drive his car into a tree or off a cliff (trying to commit suicide). Love that show, though.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Shena came into the office to work today. Yesterday at the park, Cade invited himself over to Dede's to play, so Shena took him over this morning. Dede said he was a good kid and he and Hank had a great time playing. Kelson stayed with mom. Shena said when she picked the boys up they were excited to see each other. Like they missed each other. Mom said that Kelson looked for Cade the first 1/2 hour he was there at the house. They have been fighting a bit more regularly than they used to, but maybe that means they like each other more in some weird way.

Kelson fell asleep at about 6:45. I guess he only took a 10 minute nap today. I wish it was just a nap thing that was causing all these tantrums he's been throwing, but I don't think it is. I'm sure it is a terrible twos thing and he is testing our limits so that he knows what he can get away with. It'll be a long couple of months as we sort it all out.

Arellano Update
No more than what I've already written.

Christensen Update
None to report, that I know of.

Daily Report
Sleep: 9:00 - 9:30, 2:00 - 7:15 - note to self...don't take power naps at 9:00 at night

Breakfast: none

Lunch: Tuna on wheat with cheese, ruffles plain, water

Dinner: McDonald's - Quarter pounder with cheese, no onions, fries, orange drink - milk and 3 chocolate cookies before bed


Adam Arellano said...

Locke didn't try to kill himself he just yelled and screamed in his car and drove off. He got back to base camp with boon and handed him of to Jack. Jack took his shirt off and he was all cut up and bleeding badly. Then Locke dissappeared into the forest when no one was looking. He went to the door they have been trying to open and screamed at it "why are you doing this to me, I did everything you wanted" and stuff. Then as e was crying a light came on that he could see through the window and it ended, I don't remember what they said about next week though, it won;t be a re-run though.