Monday, March 21, 2005

We have a floor

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Headed to bed early body is screaming for sleep!

The work crew showed up promptly at 8:00 this morning, and got right to work. Jason, Chris and Shawn were all here at the same time. They had to pump the water out of the holes, then dug down to where the ground wasn't so soft, put down some quickdry stuff, and they were on their way. When I got home at lunch, they were getting the main beams up. When I got home from work, the entire subfloor was done. Pretty cool. Look at the pictures below to get a better idea.

Work was fine. Not a typical Monday...nothing crazy happened, but it was busy. After work (I left right at 5:00 today), I ran home, changed clothes, and started cutting up the tree Marcos and I brought down on Saturday. It is supposed to rain tomorrow night and off and on on Wednesday, then I have meeting Thursday (when the weather is supposed to be dry) then back to rain on Friday and Saturday. That means it might be a while before I can get to that tree and I wanted to get as much cut as possible. I only cut for about and hour and a half, but my hands and back didn't like it much at all. They were both still complaining about Saturday, and when I got done today, I had blisters on BOTH hands, instead of just my left hand like on Saturday. Man, I'm weak. I got about 3/4 of the tree cut up. Just the top portion (which is a lot of limbs) left. Hopefully we'll have a little bit more dry weather so that I can get some more cut before the end of the week.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Shena made enchiladas with Lessa, Susan and Dede. They were planning on making 15 dozen, and wound up making 22 because they had enough of everything to make that much. That gave each of them at least 5 dozen. Good thing they freeze pretty good. It might be a while before they do that again, though. Shena said that Cade was a poop all day. She said he and Devon Williams fought the entire time. Funny how some kids seem to get along and then others don't. My brother, Adam, was talking about how they have good friends who have a son that is around Ethan's age, and those two fight all the time. Cade is like that with Devon for some reason. He gets along with most other kids, but he and Devon just can't seem to play together.

Cade and Kelson were excited to have the floor done outside. They spent most of the evening running around on it while I was cutting. It is all sooo exciting for them. When I was looking at pictures to upload to the blog, he saw the picture of him jumping (see below) and started yelling. He was excited to see himself on the computer, I guess. He started jumping again to show me what he was doing on the picture. Cade fell asleep before 8:00. No wonder he was such a poop for Shena...he was tired. Hopefully he'll be better tomorrow.

Arellano Update
Dad will be home late tomorrow night. The boys will get to see him on Wednesday, and they can't wait. Mom went to the "Senior FHE" tonight instead of coming over with us like she normally does, which is cool. She needs her own old people friends, just like Shena and I need young couple friends.

Christensen Update
None to report.

Daily Report - I'm still considering whether or not to include my TV watching habit. Not tonight, maybe tomorrow.

Sleep: 12:00ish - 6:50 - I couldn't sleep last night, and then I woke up early because I was anxious to see if the construction crew would show up or not. They told me they would be here early, and so I was hoping they would.

Breakfast: 1 bowl of frosted mini-wheats...that peanut butter and preserves wasn't enough last night...I woke up starving this morning

Lunch: cheese sandwich with mustard and lettuce on wheat, two cookies and milk

Dinner: enchiladas (of course), rice and beans, coke - later had banana pudding that Shena made. She doesn't like her Nilla wafers soggy in her banana pudding, so you have to build your own...I don't like it as well that way. I would rather that the cookies have absorbed some of the moisture up, first....just my style, call me weird.