Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Too Much To Handle

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
I can't handle all this stress right now. I really would like to tell you everything that went on today, but I just don't have the energy.

Work was crazy because it was the only day that Jim would be in town for the next 8 days, and even then I only had his attention for 2 hours out of the day. He spent the rest of the day in meetings. To top that, we had to shut off our computers for 2 hours for a server upgrade, and that was one of the hours I had in front of Jim. Just didn't work out too well.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Nippy came over and watched the boys so that I could go and help Shena do her Relief Society dinner thing. We got about about 9:50, and my feet are killing me. It was only 3.5 hours of "serving" the women, but it was enough to bother my flat feet. Shena said the program went well, though, so that makes me happy.

She is ready to get this day surgery over with. Luckily she was able to get the appointment moved up from 3:00 to 1:00. That way she won't have to not eat for 2 hours less. She was really mad that she was going to have to wait until 3:00 for the surgery. We have good friends helping us with dinners and watching the boys tomorrow.

Arellano Update
None to report that I know of.

Christensen Update
Got a package from Grandma and Grandpa C today. It was full of quarters. When they were at Concord Mills, the boys got upset because G'ma and G'Pa and mommy ran out of quarters to pump into the rides. I guess they felt guilty and sent a whole bunch so that they could go whenever they wanted. Shena and I thought it was funny.

Daily Report
Sleep: 12:00 - 6:45 - with a 2:48 - 3:30 crying session by Shena. She is really ready to move on, but she thinks too much about it when she doesn't have anything else to do. Not sure if she had a dream, or just couldn't sleep last night.

Breakfast: None

Lunch: McDonald's (Shena wasn't feeling well and I didn't really have time to make anything myself) - quarter pounder with cheese, no onions, french fries, orange drink.

Dinner: While the women ate, those of use who were serving them got to eat what was left over. Good food. They sure don't have this kind of food at the Elder's Quorum functions. Italian dressing baked chicken, red potatoes, green beans, rolls, water, yellow cake and neopolatin ice cream. The chicken was especially good on the rolls.


Anonymous said...

good luck with everything guys. hang in there. dont quit blogging cheeto, my life will unravel. i love you guys, you are in my prayers. give my little buddies love for me.
