Saturday, November 19, 2005

Work & Play I knew I would be bad a keeping up with this. I had to go back to my Franklin to catch you all up on the events. Cheeto stole me for 3 days last weekend. He had a trip to Charlotte planned for our anniversary. We took advantage of it this year. Next year with the baby and all, we don't think we'll get to do anything overnight and such. We left Thursday morning. He had massage appointments lined up and a day spa in Charlotte. He got me a prenatal massage and he just had a deep tissue massage. I was really excited but turned out the lady that did mine wasn't all that great. She made me, well- I guess she didn't hold a gun to my head, but she did have lie on my back for the last 30 minutes or so. I was enjoying it up until then, but as soon as I was on my back I had trouble breathing, back started hurting, and then the heartburn set in. After the massages we went to check in at the hotel and then got some lunch/dinner at CrackerBarrel. We wanted to go to a movie but all that was playing close to us was either rated R or nothing we felt like seeing. We ended up watching Chicken Little. We knew that Grandma nad Grandpa were taking the boys to see it, so we figured if we saw at least we would know what the boys were talking about when the tell us about it. It was pretty good. I think it will be one we will add to the home collection. Friday we went to an IMAX at the Discovery Place downtown Charlotte. We were impressed with the downtown area, very nice and clean. The theatre was dome shaped and somewhat distorted the film. Cheeto and I were both sick when it was over. We spent the afternoon shopping at Concord Mills. Cheeto told me we could whatever I wanted. I took advantage of the outlets and got some Christmas shopping done. It was nice. That night I knew we had tickets to Cirque de Soleil's Varekai. Plummers were going to meet us down there. Cheeto kept telling me were having dinner alone. I thought he was kinda rude not to invite them to eat with us. Well, he was trying to surprise me. They were waiting for us at the restaraunt when we got there. They couldn't find a babysitter so they got a hotel room for their kids for a couple of hours. They just brought toys and food and such for them. It made it so they were only gone a couple of hours instead 6 hours paying for a babysitter. They didn't even stay overnight. We had lots of fun. Saturday Cheeto and I just went looking for cribs. We ended up finding one in Greensboro. That set me off to this weeks events. I worked almost everyday on the baby's room. I think I'm pretty much finished. If not, whatever else I want to do it doesn't have to be done before she gets here. I'm very pleased with the result. I seriously spent Tuesday-Friday sewing most of the day. It's a good thing I enjoy it so much. Cheeto has just been working and studying, studying and working. Between preparing for the test he has to take in December and Elders Quorum stuff he stays very busy. I'm amazing on how well he budgets his time between it all. He still finds time to spend evenings with us once in awhile. Last night there was a ward father-son camp out. It was going to get down to about 25-27 degrees so they decided because of the lil' boys they didn't want to go. Grandpa wasn't wild about the cold either. We ended up ordering pizza and watching Kicking and Screaming with Grandma and Grandpa. It was a fun family night.
OH, I almost forgot. I went to Walmart after picking Cade up from school on Wednesday. We got out of the car and stood in front of "Millie" to wait for this cadillac to pull into the spot next to us, and SHE HIT my new van. I just stood there in shock as she backed up scratching it again. It is just a dent and scratch, but still my van is only 3 months old. I called Cheeto to find out what I should do. As soon as I heard his voice and I opened my mouth to say, "Honey, this lady just hit my car." I just started to cry. I was so sad. The lady was 83 years old and living in an assisted living home just out for an afternoon with her friend. When she found out that my van was new she asked me if I was used to driving such a big vehicle. I laughed at her. She said it was my fault because I parked retarded. I was off a bit, but if I had been straight in she would have hit me way before she did. She wants to leave insurance companies out of it and just pay for it with a check. The estimate we received was not quite $700. She and her friend kept telling me that it couldn't be more than just a touch up paint job- no more than $200- $300. It's the passenger sliding door. The door is dented and they said they would have to paint the entire door. We'll see what happens.
Cade's News Cade played his last soccer game for the fall season. He did much better during this game than he had the past few games. He is one that likes to look along the sidelines to make sure mom and dad are still watching him. He didn't like it when Kelson would be playing with his soccer ball with grandpa and dad. I think he thought it looked like more fun to play with them than playing in a real game. Marcos surprised Cade and flew home from New York for the "big" game. Cade was very pleased. Kelson wasn't sure of Marcos when he first showed up at the game but by that evening we couldn't keep either one of them away from their Tio. It was sweet. Cade has always had a special bond with his Tio Marcos. I was glad he made such an effort to make it to his game. Cade is getting more and more content at school. Cheeto doesn't even have to walk him inside to drop him off in the morning. Cheeto said he finally convinced him that he was a big boy and could get dropped at the car rider drop-off door. I'm proud of my lil' boy. He's really not so little anymore. It really is true what our parents say, "Enjoy them while they are small because it really isn't long before you blink and they are married and out of the house having kids of their own." I don't want to think about Cade married and having kids, but 5 years have really gone by too fast. Cade is reading more and more. I think he loves it. He's quite the show off sometimes. He's reading more in spanish at school as well. His teacher tells me he is doing so well and is such a good kid. Kelson still misses him some. Cade was home this past Thursday and Friday with "the runs." Poor Kid! I think he was doing better on Friday but I just couldn't send him and think if he were to have an accident at school how humilating that would be for him. We also noticed he had some sores on his right leg. I took him to the doctor and found it was some sort of staph infection. We have no idea where he would have gotten it, but that is what he is being treated for. He only had 3 sores but Dr. Ross said it could easily spread if left untreated. Cade was funny at the doctor's office. He was so nervous because the last two visits weren't very nice visits for him. I kept telling him that Dr. Ross would simply just look at his leg and that would be it. I dont' think he really believed me. When we were done and Dr. Ross left the room, Cade turned around and said, "THAT'S IT? I'M DONE?" He was quite amazed!

Kelson Adventures Kelson has been just putting up with his mother lately. I think the hours spent sewing and cleaning have finally affected the poor child. He has gotten so clingy lately. He even went and fell asleep on my side of the bed the other night. He has been such a good kid this week though. He has had NO accidents this week as far as potty training goes. Thursday he was yelling from the bathroom, "Mommy, Cade, come and see! Hurry! Come and See!" So of course, Cade and I go running to see what's the matter. Nothing bad, actually more like amazing. He had made "yuckies" in the toilet. I didn't even know he was going to the bathroom. I was so proud. That night we celebrated by getting Krispy Kreme with Grandpa and Grandma. He also was successful this morning. I can't tell you how happy I was not to have to clean poopy underwear. One thing that we pray won't be too serious with Kelson is that we noticed that his feet were turning in. We asked Dr. Ross about it and said we shouldn't wait too long to get him into an orthopedic doctor to get it checked out.

Arellano Update They are packing up to leave again. This time to Utah/California. They are headed there for Thanksgiving. We have to share with the other siblings. They leave Monday and are gone for a couple of weeks. We are having dinner with the Plummers this year. It's all good.

Christensen Update Mom and Dad have spent the last week with Uncle Dale and Aunt Nancy golfing and such in southern Utah and Nevada. Sounds like they had lots of fun. They went to Cirque de Soleil's "O" in Las Vegas. Mom said it was awesome.