Friday, March 25, 2005

We Have...Trusses, and A Moonroof

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Since it was Good Friday, the office closed at 1:00. I have known for several days that everybody else was getting off at 1:00, but I dind't tell Shena because I thought that I would probably work later than that. Just too much to do. Sure enough, I wound up working until 3:00, which is no big deal. I had planned on working all day, anyway. It wasn't a scheduled day off, just one that "Navigon" took as opposed to Nationwide as a company. Anyway, when I got home, I told Shena what had happened and she got mad at me for not telling her. She said "We could have planned something." That was the point. I knew that if I DID tell her, she would plan something that would get spoiled because I had to work later. I'm glad I didn't tell her, that would have mad her even madder when I called and told her I would be later.

When I got home, the crew was finishing the trusses. I'm impressed they were able to get them up there. It was just the three of them and they didn't have a crane or anything. They had to pass them up one at a time. I'm sure I would have had a hard time with it. They even worked until about 6:30 trying to get the sheets down so that the rain that is supposed to be coming this weekend would not get inside. Unfortunately, they ran out of material, so they put on what they could, and the put plastic up over the shingles that they cut to try to keep it from leaking. I'll have to keep an eye on it and make sure we don't get any leaks into the attic. Because they ran out of material, we now have a room that is open to the sky for the weekend. It might be kind of cool to have a room like the desert, but NC is no desert, and I'm afraid it is going to rain in there. We'll see.

Shena and I also spent part of the afternoon talking about a fence and how much fence we want, what kind, etc. The more I think about it, though, the more I think it may be something we wind up doing either in the fall or next year. It would be much easier to clear the back yard of more trees without the fence, and the boys won't be able to play out there much this year, anyway. It will take a good part of the summer for the grass to grow in. So we don't NEED the fence right away. I would rather put that money towards a little shed/house for the lawn mower and other garden supplies that are currently either under the house or in our water heater closet (not real safe, but that is the only place we have to put the things that shouldn't be in the elements). I'm sure she and I will debate that for a while. We had a little disagreement after talking about the fence about where she had the guys put the window on the North wall. I was planning on it being 3 feet from the corner, she told them to put it 2 feet. No big deal, no screaming or yelling, but we didn't agree where it should be. Shena said the crew told her that they have seen couples split up during house construction because they can't agree on how things should be done. He said we are pretty mellow and laid back compared to most of their customers. I guess that is a complimnet.

After we went out to eat with Mom and Dad (see Arellano Update), Shena and I made a quick run to Wal-Mart, while the boys played and Grandpa's house. I wanted to get some "work boots" so that I can work out in the yard tomorrow. I had been wearing tennis shoes, but I slide around in them too much in the mud, and I figured I had a better chance of not losing a couple toes in steel toes boots if I lose control of the chain saw. I was actually going to go to Sears to get the boots, but she said her dad got his at Wal-Mart, and I liked his ok, so we went and got them there. I also got me another pair of work gloves. The pair I was using were kind of bulky and I couldn't wear them when I was cutting, so I got a pair that fit my fingers better.

Tried to stay up to watch the UNC game, but just couldn't...too sleepy. Plus I was bummed about State and Duke losing. I didn't fell like watching UNC lose too.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Shena made a cake for mom today for her birthday. She was even nice enough to make the kind mom likes (german chocolate) even though Shena hates german chocolate. I don't know if I would have done the same thing. I would have been tempted to make what I like so that I could have some too.

Kelson got in trouble at some point today and got sent to "the mat" which is across from the washer and dryer, in a little nook where there is nothing to do but sit and think about what you've done wrong (I obviously have been sent there many times). At the time he got in trouble, he was watching a movie on tv. Next thing you know, he walked out of the nook with the mat in his hand, set it on the floor in front of the tv and sat on it! When Shena asked him what he was doing he just said "Mat. Look, mat." Hard to stay mad at them when they are so dang cute.

Arellano Update
Mom wanted to go to Ham's for her birthday dinner, and we got to tag along. We went about 5:15, so it was pretty quiet in there, which is nice. It can get packed and loud later in the evening. We ate, then headed to mom's house for cake and presents. She had already opened everything else from everybody else, so she just had the presents that "we" got for her. Of course Shena was in charge of that, and she made her some little tile thingies that go in some thingies that you put hot plates on. Whatever. That made no sense, but I don't know what they are called. My wife is amazing with that kind of stuff. I probably would have got her some lame picture book about Washington D.C. or something...! (FYI, that was an inside slam on Adam & Melissa, because that is what they got her. It really was cool, I just wanted to tease them. And I know the rest of you have no idea what I'm talking about, and it just wasn't funny to you, but I'm sure at least Adam will get a laugh out of it. Laugh along with us...come on, pretend. It was funny, huh?)

Christensen Update
None to report that I now of.

Daily Report
Sleep: 11:30 - 2:00, 3:00 - 4:00, 4:30-7:00: for some reason Kelson wouldn't stay in his bed last night. In hindsight, maybe I should have just let him lay on our floor, where he was and give him a blanket, but instead I kept picking him up and putting him back in his bed. The frustrating thing was I kept saying "You stay in bed now." And he would say "uh-huh," like he was going to. I would just get comfortable and amost back to sleep when I'd hear the door open.

Breakfast: 1 bowl of frosted mini-wheats

Lunch: none...well, kinda...I didn't take a lunch so that I could leave work early, which I did about 3:00, so I ate two quesadillas then...but that was like an appetizer before dinner.

Dinner: Ham's - Chicken Fried Chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, white gravy, water. I also had a piece of German Chocolate Cake that Shena made for mom's birthday and milk.