Sunday, March 13, 2005

Skipping Church

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Shena decided that she didn't feel like facing everybody at church today. We talked about the boys and I going, but she didn't want to be left alone either. She said she was worried that she would break down in the middle of church and we would have to make some sort of dramatic exit...and she didn't want to do that. So, we decided to skip church this week and give it a go next week.

That is the extent of the news to report today. We spent most of the day playing with the boys. Had lunch at mom's and then dinner at our house. It was a beautiful day (71 and sunny, no wind), so we spent a couple hours outside. Marcos and I walked around in the backyard talking about what to cut down, etc. He spent a while on the porch blowing bubbles with the boys, which was good except that when it was time for him to leave Cade flipped out and pitched a fit. He told Marcos, "No, you aren't tired! You can't leave!" It makes it hard for me to not get upset with him when we spend time with him, and then he pitches a fit when it is time for the fun to end. Hopefully he'll learn one of these days that you don't get to have fun all the time. I think when he starts school in the fall he will learn that pretty quickly.

As I have been talking to Marcos last night and today, I have realized a draw back of his (and anybody else, for that matter) reading my blog everyday. I don't have stories to tell anymore. I painstakingly write down the events of every day here, he reads them, and then we don't have anything to talk about. I kept catching myself repeating to him stuff that I had written in my blog. Or I would start to tell him something and he'd say "Yeah, I read your blog about that." Oh well, I guess we can always talk about the weather...since I dropped that from the blog a couple of weeks ago.

Speaking of my blog, ran across a cool article here about a guy who takes a picture of every meal, just before he eats it, and posts it to his picture blog. I'm not going to say he ripped off my idea (while improving on it...wouldn't you rather see a picture of what I ate today than have me describe it to you?), because he may have been doing this for a while, but I am jealous that I didn't think of the picture thing. Oh well.

SOAP BOX: (Since I didn't have much to write, I figured I'd hop up here for a minute). So I'm surfing for news on CNN and see a big banner at the top of the page that said something like: "2 HOUR SPECIAL - Larry King goes in depth about the Atlanta judge killer." And I think to myself, what benefit will that have to society? What GOOD could I possibly get out of that program? Is it going to teach me how not to be shot by a desperate criminal in a court house? Why does the media love to glamorize and make famous these kinds of people? Why did they have to keep talking about the "BTK" killer? Seemed to me that is what he WANTED. He kept doing what he was doing because he was getting media attention. He could think in his sick little mind, "Aren't I awesome? The media can't stop talking about me. I'm so smart the cops can't catch me. This is fun. I want to do it some more." I understand reporting the news. I don't understand plastering a murderers name all over the screen, devoting "2 hour specials" to his/her crime. Why don't they changes the person's name so that they don't have the satisfaction of seeing their mug and name on tv. I would still understand that a horrible even took place at the court house if they were simply to say "A man" and not show the dudes face and name. (STEPPING DOWN)

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Cade and Kelson had fun with Tio Marcos today. When we first picked him up from the airport, Kelson wouldn't even look at him. Like he was afraid of him or something...being shy. But it wasn't long before he was tackling him along with Cade.

Shena only had one crying episode today. She's getting a little better everyday. She says now she wants to get prenant just as soon as the doctor will let her. She is hung up on trying to have our next baby before the end of the year so that the baby can be in the primary classes with her friend's baby (can't say too much...they still aren't announcing it to the world). It will be tough, but I guess it is still mathematically possible, but HIGHLY unlikely. I'm afraid she may have to give up on that.

Arellano Update
Mom and Marcos are home, Adam has re-upped with the Corps, so he owes them six more years. He's doing a little better with the blog...but still a little inconsistent. Step it up, bro.

Christensen Update

Daily Report
Sleep: 11:24 - 3:30, 4:00 - 7:00, 7:15-8:22 - sounds like fun, doesn't it? Shena is still having nightmares. She told me about one the other day where Kelson got trapped under the wood that they had brought to build our addition with. All I know is, she's not getting sleep, and neither am I.

Breakfast: 1 bowl of Frosted mini-wheats, 1 bowl of Cinammon Toast Crunch

Lunch: Chorizo and eggs, beans, mom's home made flour tortillas, milk. - Had brownies (that I made last night, believe it or not) and ice cream (orange sherbet, with hot fudge, to be exact...not really ice cream, but that is what everyone else had)

Dinner: None - had two pieces of raspberry toast and a banana just before I came in to write, though, with milk, of course.


Adam Arellano said...

step up your mom