Wednesday, March 23, 2005

"We've got hail...we've got cows."

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Kind of crazy weather today. Rained fairly heavily during the morning, then tapered off into the afternoon, when it got sunny and warm. As I was headed home after work, I noticed gray skies gathering. By the time I got to mom and dad's (where we were having dinner tonight), WFMY News 2 had minute by minute updates of the storm that was passing through Winston-Salem and moving into Greensboro. When you looked outside in front of mom's house, the clouds were going one direction, when you looked at the clouds behind her house, they were going the opposite direction. It was pretty weird. Next thing we knew, it was as dark outside as 10:00 at night. It was like that for about 5 minutes, then the rain started pelting down, then hail. We thought we might be getting a tornado with all the crazy weather. The boys were excited, faces pressed up against the glass looking outside. We kept our eyes open, but never saw any kind of a funnel. As far as I know there weren't any reported. Still was kinda crazy, though.

Because of the cruddy weather the contractors didn't make it out to the house. The plastic they put down didn't do much good, either. The holes are filled with water again...even more so than last time, I think (if that's possible). They will have to pull out their sump pump again. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny, as is Friday morning, so they should have a little bit of time to get something done. We'll see.

After dinner, I just studied my CLU course for a bit. It's been several days. I was hoping this wouldn't happen, but life is definitely getting in the way of my trying to study. It was a bit different when I was going to school...I had deadlines and exams and tests and such, so studying was a priority. Since this designation is for my own benefit and there are no real instructors involved, it is much easier to put it off. I will have to set some goals and some time aside to get it done. This addition has taken a good deal of my time, but as I look ahead to the next 6 months to a year (addition, re-financing, trying to get pregnant again, having a baby, looking for a new car, summer vacations, Ryan coming home from his mission, etc.), I really don't see where I would be able to study anyway, so I'm just going to have to buckle down and skip some TV shows and some play time and do it. Who knows...maybe the Bag O' Cheeto's will have to go too...we'll see.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Shena had her follow up visit with the doctor today. {WARNING: The following material may not be suitable for people named "Marcos" or "Lettie" or anyone else who my not like to discuss such things.} She had been hearing different things from different people about how long she should wait before trying again. Some people said she could do it right away, others said to wait at least two "cycles." She asked her doctor, he said he normally tells patients to wait two. She told him "You suck." And then told him what she had heard from friends. He said he understood and that she could really do what she wanted. He thought she would be ok to wait just one, but to be sure he always recommended two so that there is less chance of having to go through a mis-carriage again. This news made her mad and bummed her out again. She is anxious to be pregnant. So she did some more searching on the internet to try to find some answers. She found this article and I think she feels better again. She also talked to Christy Baughan about it, and Christy had just done some kind of research paper for a class she is taking on mis-carriages, so she gave Shena some good advice. We'll see what she decides.

The boys had a great time playing with Grandpa today. It took Kelson a bit to warm up to him again. Shena said he looked at him like he thought he should know who this guy was, but he wasn't sure why. When I came home for lunch, they were still over there, so I stopped by and they were in the garage riding their bikes, wearing the jersey's dad brought home and going crazy. Kelson kept saying "Daddy. Vamonos ("let's go" in spanish)."

Shena said that at one point today, Cade was watching Noggin when "Rugrats" came on. He yelled at her to come out and change the channel. When she asked him why he said "That show is bad. They fight and say mean things." Not sure where he learned that, but it is nice that he recognizes those kinds of things. Maybe we ARE doing some good and somethings are getting through to him.

Kelson started coughing today. Sounds like he has some stuff in his chest he is trying to get out. Sounds like it hurts too, but he hasn't acted sick. We'll have to keep an eye on him and see what comes of it.

Arellano Update
As you've already read, dad is back in town. He went to a bad barber in Mexico and got his hair whacked off. Almost looks like a Marine, it's so short. He also brought presents for the boys (soccer jerseys, of course) that they loved. Shena said when Cade saw his, he immediately stripped off his clothes and put on the jerseys. Dad got him two, for some reason, and he has changed jerseys several times today.

Christensen Update
Cherie sent an Easter/Birthday package for the boys. I haven't really seen what was in it. By the time I got home Shena had opened the package and divided up the contents to several places in the house.

Daily Report
Sleep: 11:00 - 7:10 - I actually woke up at 6:30, but for some reason I rolled over and closed my eyes again, and didn't wake up until late

Breakfast: 1 bowl of frosted mini-wheats

Lunch: I lied yesterday...there was still some enchiladas left, so I had those and some rice. I for sure finished them off this time, with a coke and then had a chocolate pudding pack

Dinner: Bean burritos with cheese and garlic bits (dad's creation) on home made flour tortillas. I also had a couple on corn tortillas because I like them better for some reason. Had some apple juice with dinner. After dinner mom and dad came over for "dessert," which was chocolate chip cookies and milk


Anonymous said...

noooooooooooooo, cheeto, you can't cut the blog in the interest of studying. i mean, i havent cut reading the blog in the interest of my studying so you shouldnt cut the writing of the blog. you will be in trouble if you do.