Monday, March 14, 2005

My Experiement Worked

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
I am excited (I'm such a geek) to report that my Google experiment worked. You can now type in my family's name in quotes, and either the first or second entry will point you to Bag o' Cheeto's. I know you were all on pins and needles wondering if it would work out or not. I'm expecting some kind of Nobel for this one.

Work was fine, nothing exciting. Typical Monday, busy and the whole week ahead of us. I have started working on a designation to add to my resume. As with most professions, there are several standards boards that have been set up and that give out designations when certain criteria are met. The one I am currently working on is called a "Chartered Life Underwriter" (CLU). It will take about 2 years (8 courses) of studying and exams, in addition to three years of full time experience in order to get the designation. I chose it because Jim has his and he recommended that I get it. In my profession there are several different designations you can get, some more recognized than others, but to be a CLU is probably the toughest. After I receive it, I will then have to take just 3 other courses to get the second designation that I want, which is a "Chartered Financial Consultant" (ChFC). Both of the designations are given by The American College, which I enrolled in last week. If you try to get a hold of me and Shena tells you I'm studying, now you will know what it is I'm studying.

When I got home for lunch, Vachon and his crew were digging holes in the backyard. See the pictures from today's date. They have about 24 hours worth of dry weather, then it is going to rain again for several days, so I hope they got those pillars poured and ready. Who knows how long it will be before they will be able to do it again if they don't get it done tomorrow. I guess spring time is kind of a bad time to do construction, huh? It sure is making a mess of the backyard, though.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Shena had another rough day today. One week since we found out that the baby had stopped growing, so that is all she could think about all day. She tried to stay busy, ran some errands, etc., but still couldn't shake being bummed out. She said the boys were pretty good for her, though, which is a plus. She'd really be in bad shape if they were poops all day.

Kelson walked in some of the mud that they have gotten on our drive during the construction, on his way out to dad's Jeep as they were headed out for errands. He then thought it was cool to wipe his feet all over the back of the seat. At this rate, dad won't let us anywhere NEAR his car ever again. I spill OJ on his dash, Kelson gets mud all over the back of his seat. Good thing is they are leather, so hopefully it should come off pretty quickly and cleanly.

Cade was a good kid today. When they started digging holes at lunch time, he had his nose stuck to the window the whole time, as usual. Kelson missed most of the construction because he was asleep. We played a game that Grandma A brought back from her trip out west called "Go Thomas" for FHE tonight. It is basically a "Go Fish" game with Thomas characters, but he loves to play it. He especially loved that we all played with him (including Marcos and mom). He was in hog heaven having all these adults paying attention to him.

Arellano Update
Went and had dinner with mom and Marcos, then they came over for FHE. As just mentioned, played the Thomas game, then watched The Legend of Johnny Lingo. Mom hadn't seen it yet. I fought sleep, and Marcos, Cade and Kelson lost their fight. All were asleep before the movie was over.

Christensen Update
Shena said her mom and dad were putting new carpet in today in their basement after their flood. They had to replace the living room and play room. I think they have now laid new carpet down there in all the rooms in the last 2 years due to floods.

Daily Report
Sleep: 12:15 - 6:45 - Kelson actually came in at 5:30, but I was so sleepy that I told him to go back to his own bed...when I woke up an hour later, he was asleep on the floor next to our blanket. I felt bad. I should have put him down myself or at least given him a blanket.

Breakfast: None

Lunch: egg, bean, rice and cheese burritos on flour tortillas. I just realized that I didn't put salsa on those, which would have been good. Oh well. Also had kool-aid, a brownie and milk.

Dinner: No, this isn't a copy and paste, but I had eggs, bean and cheese burritos on flour tortillas (at mom's this time). The rest of the family ate tortas (Mexican sandwiches), but I've never been a fan of them, so I just had burritos again. Also had some sprite. We ate a bit of popcorn during the movie and then I had a brownie and milk before coming in to write.