Wednesday, November 05, 2008

You're Getting verrryyy slleeeeepy...

I wasn't going to do any bashing today. It's a great moment in US history and I wanted to enjoy it along with everybody else who is glad that we can now get on with it.

But I had one observation late last night that I wanted to get posted before somebody accused me of not having the original thought myself...of only repeating what I had heard on one of those radio shows or tv stations or something.

I didn't watch President-Elect Obama's speach live. I was busy watching re-runs of "NewsRadio" on (it's still one of my all time favorite shows). But after his speech, I came across what was listed as a "raw" transcript of the speech. Towards the end of the speech I noticed a few curious lines. After Preident-Elect Obama would end a statement with "Yes we can" the transcript listed the audience reaction as repeating back to him "Yes we can."

It seemed a little creepy to me, so I watched the end of the video (man, there were alot of people there, an incredible sight) to make sure this wasn't some Right Wing Conspiracy to make him look bad. But no, there it was. Several times after he gave the call "Yes we can" those in attendance repeated back to him "Yes we can."

In the (not to distant) future:

Setting: a public classroom, 2nd or 3rd doesn't really matter

Teacher: "Good morning class! It's time to get started! Yes we can!"

Class (in unison): "Yes we can."

Teacher: "I would like you all to open your "Modern Day Presidents: Barack H. Obama" textbooks to page 44 (get it? page 44? Man, I'm clever). Yes we can."

Class (in uinson): "Yes we can."

Teacher: "Let us begin with the chapter entitled, "How President Obama Saved the World." Barack H. Obama Jones (because by this point every other kid is named Barack H. Obama, they just keep their last name), will you please read the paragraph that begins "In 2000 when the Republicans STOLE the election from the Chosen party...?" Yes we can."

Class (in unison): "Yes we can."

....and so on and so forth.


dede said...

I'm not sure where you are going with this.
Are you upset about the chanting back saying that it is weird? That so many people would chant back in unison?
Cause if that is it, I am going to have to respectfully disagree. Haven't you ever been to a concert or event where someone you are really excited about is talking? The audience is always repeating stuff, chanting and singing along.
It's ok, Cheeto, the whole world isn't going to fall apart because a democrat got elected. I promise.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if I was going to get you to chime in or not. I was going to keep posting these politically themed rambles until you did! Ha!

I have no problem with somebody being "Democrat." I've voted for Democrats in the past and I voted for several Democrats this year.

I guess I'm bothered by the annointing that he has received. To me, it has felt like he got a free pass (I mean come on, there were a couple things...comments, friends, etc...that I would have liked to know more about, but that weren't really researched) and he has been lifted up to a level higher than everybody else. Even Stewart and Colbert have had to recognize the almost deity-like aura that has been placed around him.

So, on top of that perceived aura, I see the hundreds of thousands (a million maybe? I haven't heard an official estimate) of people chanting back the same phrase over and over (and over). It just felt odd to me. Just my opinion.

BTW, I've never been much of a concert fan (been two maybe two in my life), so I 've never really experienced what you mention, so I can't relate. Singing along to a song is one thing, maybe even repeating a phrase back...once. But the same phrase over and over (and over?). Just makes me uncomfortable. I said in my earlier post that maybe I would come around at some point, but I ain't there yet. I don't like this flavor of kool-aid right now.

Oh, and you really don't have to "respectfully" disagree. I mean, come on, it's me. I don't need any respect, just disagree with me already! :)

dede said...

I was trying to be nice with the respectfully disagreeing. Give me credit for that, it doesn't happen too often.

I think people are a bit in awe. He is quite charasmatic, intelligent, seems to be a caring husband and father, and in my mind has some pretty clear ideas as to what he wants to do.

As for the concert thing, it is amazing how a good lead singer (Bono for example) can get a crowd to pretty much do and say whatever they want you to. It is wild.

So, it's weird that cnn this morning is covered with stories about how many people are so excited for this new president. I don't remember seeing that before. But for me, it is a welcome change to people being embarrassed about their president.

Unknown said...

Cheeto you are absolutely ridiculous. You have been taught to chant 'patriotic' things since you were little. Remember having to recite the pledge of allegiance in unison in elementary school? I do. Remember people singing the national anthem together at sporting events? I do. It sounds like you only take issue with such things when it is being done by people that you disagree with. I never recall you complaining about the 'system' or patriotic slogans when GW Bush won his elections. I guess it could just be a coincidence.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm mobile right now, so I'll be brief.

Dede, can't argue with anything you said in the second post, and I give you full credit for trying to be is a rare occurence. And OF COURSE you go into a trance like state with Bono on stage...we all know how you feel about him.

Marcos...calm down there Mr. Savage. You really need to take up boxing or something...find a outlet for that rage. I specifically excluded songs and things like the pledge. I was careful to point out that I was talking about the 3 word phrase being repeated over and over in a short time. These aren't the same to me. And what's wrong with me disagreeing with someone? I'm not allowed? i'm not sure what 'system' you are referring to...I didn't mention any 'system' in my other posts so I'm confused by that comment. And which patriotic slogans did I repeat EVER let alone when Bush was elected? I'm not trying to start an argument with you or anyone else.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

In your post calling people racist for voting for Obama you complain about the two party system. That is what I was referring to.

It doesn't matter that YOU specifically excluded songs and the pledge. It is the same thing. It is a patriotic slogan that people use to feel united. Just because they don't fit into your argument doesn't mean that they aren't relevant.

Anonymous said...


That's a nice twisting of my words. Well played.

But you and I both know that what I said should be no more inflammatory than a white racist votes for McCain just because he is white. I didn't call everyone who voted for Obama racist. I only said that for those people who voted for him simply because he was black, I consider them racist. Don't try to pretend that the only racism out there is white racism. We both know it happens in every country to all races.

And I remember discussing the '04 election and complaining that I wasn't real happy with either choice, but I felt like I had to make one of the two. That is why I mentioned that this time I felt like I was taking a bullet. So, yes, I HAVE complained about the system before.

And I didn't consider the "Yes we can" statement as a patriotic slogan, but I can see why you would classify it as such. But again, it's not the words, it's the delivery. It just felt odd to me that it was repeated back, like people were in a trance. I can admit that I may be reading too much into it, but it was just an observation that got a rise out of you two, so I enjoy that part of it.