Thursday, November 13, 2008

Still Incubating

We had another visit to the doctor today. Fluids have dropped again, from 23rd to 16th percentile, but apparently it's not enough for Shena's doctor to induce. He is on call all weekend, though, and hinted that if she is having a lot of contractions on Sunday, she should probably come in and have her fluids checked again (at the hospital). If Shena doesn't go into labor this weekend, he will probably not get to deliver the baby (he's done all of our other 3). After this weekend, he is not on call until after Thanksgiving week.

But he also said that if she doesn't have any problems, she will probably make it another week. We'll see what the next 48 hours bring. Stay tuned. We'll keep you up to date.

In other news, I had one of those indoor waterfalls in my office today. Kinda like the ones that are meant to relax you. Problem is, it wasn't supposed to be there, and it was getting water all over my desk, files and leather it wasn't so relaxing.

It was a rainy day today, slightly heavy at times, and there is a drain outside my wall that was partly plugged up. The water pooled near the down spout and found it's way through some holes in the room (there are a lot of them there, apparently). It was quite the mess. I was running up and down the halls of the building trying to track down a mop and trying to get somebody from the leasing office to come in and see just how bad it was. I knew they would think I was exaggerating, but you can ask anyone who saw was coming down. I'm just glad I was there when it started. I was about to head out for lunch, when I started reading an e-mail and so I wound up staying an extra 10 minutes. If I had walked out I very well may have had a ruined couch, shorted out laptop and water out in our lobby area. It was coming down that fast.

I wound up moving all my furniture out of that corner of the office and will probably leave it like that until they tell me it's fixed. Weatherman calls for more rain tonight and tomorrow, so it may be an interesting day of work tomorrow.

Funny Kid Quote of the Day
Kelson: Mom, you know what? Daddy's and mommy's sleep together because monsters can't eat two heads at the same time.


Jill W said...

I love Kelson's comment about monsters. He's the smartest kid ever!