Thursday, November 06, 2008

Homeland Creamery

Yesterday was Kelson's first field trip. Excited isn't a great word to describe how he felt. He was bouncing off walls. I was worried they were going to postpone it until next Wednesday because of the drizzling weather. Kelson is suppose to have his oral surgery next Wednesday and would've had to miss it. So I was more than thrilled when I got the call that all was on as planned. I was able to carpool with other mommies which made it really easy on me. I had so much fun with him. He genuinely appreciated me with him and that's all I ask for. There was a lady there that taught the kids all about how a dairy farm operates. Both classes road on a hay ride around to the different fields of cows. First thing Kelson asked was, "Mom, is this a farm?" I said, "Sure is." He said, "Well, I like the way Papa C's farm smells better." (Papa C has a potato/wheat/barley farm in Idaho) Kelson was so proud of his Papa C yesterday. He acted like he had the coolest Papa ever because he was a farmer. Kelson went on and on telling stories to the his class about riding the combine, planting in the tractor last spring, riding four wheelers, digging up potatoes, this list went on. It was sweet. Both my boys say they are going to move to Idaho to Papa's farm when they get older. Funny kids! I think they enjoy the wide open freedoms the farm has to offer. I miss that for my kids!

Ok... back to the field trip. :) The first field we went to was designated for only milking cows. The lady talked to them about how they are only female cows that has already had a baby so now she got put on the milking line. Many of these cows starting jumping up on each other (if ya know what I mean ;). All the kids thought this was hilarious. All the adults were eyeing each other and laughing. Kelson said, "Look mom- they are wrestling!" What could I say? Moving on... the second field was only for pregnant cows. This brought up a bunch of questions as you can imagine. One little girl as me, "How does the baby cow get out?" I looked at the teacher and she suggested that that would be a great question to ask the nice lady. She did a great job answering it. All she said was, "Behind the two back legs there is an opening that the baby calf comes out front feet first." Then this little boys said, "And it REALLY HURTS! I saw a video of my mom having a baby and she screamed A LOT!" This is when both teachers said in unison, "MOVING ON! Let's go see the horses!" PHEW!!! Bullet dodged! One little girl still had one question, "How does the baby cow get in the mommy cows tummy?" The lady just said, "Who wants ice cream?" Another one dodged! It was an interesting few minutes on the hay ride. Once back at the house all the kids got to milk a pretend cow. Kelson wasn't too sure he should be grabbing those "things", as he called them. He did it and thought it was cool after he took his turn. They were allowed to pet a baby calf that they were feeding with a bottle. Then they moved them to the machinery on the milking line. It surprised some of the kids that machines milked the cows. It was cold and they had given the hard as rock ice cream. So we ate lunch first and then enjoyed the freshly made ice cream. What a treat! It was only noon and we were on our back to the school. Kelson had a great time and thanked me over and over for coming with him. What a fun morning spent with my little boy! These are the moments I cherish and I'm so glad that my husband works so hard to allow me to have these opportunities! They grow up so fast and I try to do as much as can with them before the time is past. I just wish daddy could have the same experiences with the kids. Fathers give up a lot to allow mom to stay home with the kids. For this, I'm forever grateful!


Leticia said...

I am so jealous!! I LOVE dairy farms...they smell like Idaho!