Sunday, November 16, 2008

Another Story

As I remember things, I will add them. Long post is below the pictures, this is an addition to it. Excuse my unorganizedness.

Just before the doctor told Shena to push, I tried to move the little remote thingie on the bed (you know, it controls the bed position, the tv, and has a nurse call button). When I grabbed it I accidentally hit the nurse call button. They came over the speaker and said "Can I help you?" And I told them it was an accident, but about 3 seconds later four nurses came pouring into the room. I had to apologize because they obviously thought something bad was happening during the delivery, but it was just the idiot father who hit the wrong button.

One of those four nurses decided to hang around to help our regular nurse. At that point, the doctor announced to the nurses that we didn't know the sex of the baby so we were all in for a surprise. He then said, "When the baby gets here, I'll let you call out the sex, ok?" As he pulled her out I looked down and didn't see anything obvious in the crotch region so I blurted out "You had your little girl!" As soon as I said it I realized that I hadn't got a good look. The umbilical cord was kind of in the I was thinking "Oh, crap, I hope I'm right. This would not be good for Shena's emotions if it isn't."

I also didn't mention just how good Shena did. I know the drugs helped (I can't begin to describe the difference between this delivery and the last one, when the epidural wasn't working), but she didn't complain for one second. It was a nice, smooth, relatively clean delivery.

Funny Kid Quote of the Day