Friday, November 07, 2008

I Feel Refreshed...

...after that 3.5 hours on the hard bed. I finally fell asleep around 3. Woke up about about every hour and finally stayed awake at 6:30.

I'm headed to the house right now to relieve Lettie and to shower, etc. Shena will have to have another ultrasound sometime this morning to check the fluid levels again. But we have no idea when that will be. So I'm going to take Kelson to the doctor and we'll hope that they don't make any decisions while I'm there.

Word to your mother.


chris said...

Good luck with everything. I'm sure it will all work out okay. Have a young mom in our ward who just had her first baby early at 36weeks. Her placenta quit providing nutrients to the baby and he was very little, but healthy. I said to the grandpa "oh yeah, he had intra-uterine growth retardation." He got this look on his face and said, "no he was perfect, just really small." I thought, um yeah, just what I said. A few minutes later it hits me that he thought I had just told him the baby was retarded. I had to go back to him and apologize and explain what IUGR is. That's what you get for working for your OB/GYN father for too long.

(My sister had me interested in your blog the minute she told me the story about the lost movie tickets and the trash can...hahahaha....still smile at the visual. And I meant acronyms, not anagrams on my last message. I had just watched Di Venci Code and had anagrams stuck in my mind. Again good luck I'm sure you're all excited)

Anonymous said...

SOB - Hilarious story. I'm going to have to remember that when I want to freak somebody out with an insult that really isn't an insult.

I'm pretty sure my brother Marcos had intra-uterine growth retardation. It's the only explanation.

I'm sorry to say this, but I simply do not recall ANY story about movie tickets and trash cans. I think that might have been someone else. But I'd love to hear the story if it was that good.

And either way, we are just happy to have you around! Everyone else just lurks, at least you participate a little!

chris said...

Aren't you the one who lost the movie tickets and were just sure that you had thrown them away, so you were digging in the trash can, all the way to the bottom, looking for them, only to find out you had set them down somewhere and someone else had found them and turned them into the ticket booth? (long run on sentence, sorry)