Sunday, November 16, 2008

Just Resting

Nothing exciting to report. Shena's sleeping, letting the drugs do their work. A lady came in to get everything ready for the delivery...utensils, baby lights, etc. Otherwise, I'm just watching the game...still trying to pin down a boy name. We think we've got one...but it's a little too "popular" for me...we'll see what happens.


Leticia said...

Is it Edward??? ;)

Adam Arellano said...

Don't get confused, just because I am popular doesn't mean my name is popular, you can still use it.

Mary said...

Thanks for the 'play by play', Cheeto! I hope things continue to go smoothly and uneventful. Let Shena know we are thinking of her!

Leesa Ann Bogart-Lundrigan said...

I take it Shena did not like Broden or Roman? Shucks!!! Oh well...told you there were no more juices.....:)

Leesa Ann Bogart-Lundrigan said...

Congrats on your sweet Addelyn!!!! How did things go? What a beautiful name! You guys did well. We will see you soon!