Friday, November 07, 2008


Ok...I'm not going to make it until 11:00. I'll be lucky to make it until 9:00.

There really aren't a whole lot of details to go over. I guess we jinxed ourselves by making the announcements so early. But, oh well. No biggie. It's not like we had anybody closely following the blog.

So after the ultrasound, the nurse sneaks in to Shena's room and says "I've got good news, you can go home." We were a little miffed because (as mentioned) we thought we were there until the baby came.

To make a long story short, apparently Shena's fluid retention was short of a miracle, but pretty remarkable and they didn't expect it. They were pretty sure that even with the over night fluids that she would still be low. But the ultrasound showed she was back to the "normal" (but still low) stage. She was in the 3rd percentile yesterday (I think I'm repeating myself now, but forgive me...I'm exhausted) and is now in the 17th percentile.

We got the doctor who made the call to come over and talk to us about the decision. She essentially said she was expecting to deliver our baby after seeing our chart first thing in the morning...expected the percentile to move to the 5th or 6th but no higher. But shen she got the ultrasound results, she felt so good about letting Shena go home that she didn't feel like she needed to make a special trip to give us any special instructions. She essentially told Shena just to "be a little extra lazy" and come back on Monday for another quick ultrasound to check the fluid levels.

I'm comparing it to a tire. They've re-filled the tire with air to see what it does. If it's going flat again by Monday, they will go ahead and induce. If the air has stayed in the tire, they will wait as long as they can (until full term if possible, which is the first week of December).

So we got home around 5:00-ish. Mom and dad brought the kids back to our house along with fast food for dinner. We appreciate all their help. I know they like living close by when it's time to see the grandkids for fun, but this is the drawback...they get roped in to helping out when things get hectic.

Of course, we'll keep you up to date.

Nighty, night.


Leesa Ann Bogart-Lundrigan said...

It is fun to read your blog Cheeto! I am glad things are holding out just a little....each day counts regarding the development of that little one....seriously; I can see the difference between a 36 and a 38 and a 40 week baby and their learning capability in this house. Either way...I am excited for another little Arellano cutie pie!! Sorry I cannot help out on names this time :).....with tubes tied, I lost the juices to come up with names....hee hee! Let us know when things get more crazy and I would be more than happy to bust into your house again...oh! I need the code again, I did not retain it at all....

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I have at least ONE fan, Leesa. Everybody else who reads it hates me and wishes Shena would be the only one who wrote! :)

I literally laughed at loud at your "lost the juices" comment. Maybe we'll throw the name "Leesa" into the mix just because you are a fan of the blog!

We'll keep you up to date!

Leesa Ann Bogart-Lundrigan said...

Okay, now that I read that again, "lost the juices" I busted up laughing...I mean the brainstorming juices....not what it sounds like. But I will let the comment ride because it is funny!!!