Sunday, November 16, 2008

Baby's Birthday...Probably Today

We came to the hospital this morning at 9:00 am. Nurse called the doctor and the doctor said, no more monkeys...wait, nevermind scratch that. The doctor said we had 2 options...1 was to have another ultrasound to check the fluids. If they were ok, she could go home, or #2 was to go ahead and break her water and have the baby today.

Shena thought about it for about .02534 (I counted) seconds and then said "I'm ready to have a baby, thank you." She has been really miserable the last 3 days...pressure, contractions, back pain, etc.

They will be checking her in in just a few minutes. Get ready for play by play. I'm just hoping this baby gets here either before the Panthers' game starts at 1:00 or waits until after the Steelers' game ends at around 7:30 or so. Otherwise I may not be a very helpful coach.