Thursday, November 06, 2008

This was not the plan

I had an ultrasound, stress test, and 36 week check with my doctor this morning. All of this started about 10am. It was about 12:15pm when we found out the prognosis wasn't great. My doctor said the amniotic fluids went from 18% to 3% since last week. He said if I were 38 weeks that he would have sent me to the hospital to be induced immediately. The baby is active and looks great. Just the amniotic fluid is severly low. Because of this he sent me to the hospital anyway for IV fluids and monitored bed rest. I guess drinking gallons of water at home wasn't cutting it. He allowed us enough time to go home and get a bag packed. I finally HAD to do it! We got checked in and settled around 2pm this afternoon. I had to wait until after 5pm to hear what the game plans are going to be. We basically have 2 options. #1- start inducing labor tonight and have a baby sometime tomorrow. #2- start IV fluids tonight (more than 2 liters an hour) and check fluid levels again in the morning. If fluids have gone up significantly, then we can take it day by day until Monday. Monday is when my doctor is on call and we would really like to hold out for him. Either way, sounds like I'm here through the weekend. They won't discharge me until baby is born. Right now we have chosen option #2. The longer I can wait the better but if it's in the best interest of the baby then we will be inducing soon. Many plans have had to be rearranged. Cheeto is doing a great job juggling it all. Thanks to great family that live close we are very well taken care of. Cheeto brought the kids by for a little bit this evening. It was good to see them. Analise was a bit timid with the environment but the boys did great. It goes to show you that just because you have 3 uneventful pregnancies doesn't mean that all will go like that again. This pregnancy has had it's ups and downs and looks like it will still make life interesting for the next few days. And here I thought I was going to have to decide right before Thanksgiving or right after Thanksgiving. I guess I'm not deciding anything. It's all up to this baby and the doctors now. I surrender!


Mary said...

We are thinking of you, Shena and family! Hang in there and take a deep breath!

Jill W said...

I read your blog to remind myself of how great my life is! Just one more thing in your stressed out life. I hope everything goes smoothly for you!

Lacey said...

Well, at least it will all be over soon. We had stop Kaiden's labor at 34 weeks and he held out to 36 weeks and was as healthy as can be. The good news is that you are at a point that that little one should be fully cooked and come out healthy. Good luck and keep us posted! I can't wait to see pictures of that little one.

Cathy said...

Good luck! We will be praying for you!