Sunday, November 16, 2008

Water Has Been Broken

Shena & I debated names for an hour...from 11:30 to 12:30. We had just settled on a girl's name (I'll give details on how this process went later...after we've announced the birth, the sex and the name of the baby) when the doctor came in to break her water. He broke it about 12:40 and said he would try to get the baby to come out at halftime of the Steelers game.

We also discussed the "tubal" that will probably take place after the baby is born. As we've mentioned before, this is our last child, so we are taking the steps necessary to make it permanent and definite.

They were also kind enough to bring me a plate of lunch. It was hospital food, but the dessert was banana pudding, which is one of my all time favorite desserts, and it wasn't too bad. Other items: one piece of fried chicken, some kraut looking stuff, baked beans, corn bread. It will hold me over until this evening anyway.


Leticia said...

Cade is hoping that this all hapens accordingly as well so that he can see the whole game too!

Leticia said...

Nino de quen?

Leticia said...

I meant quien