Thursday, November 06, 2008

Stay Tuned for play by play....

Cheeto here...

I'm going to do this a little different this time. When we had Analise, we had the blog, but I didn't find out until afterwards that we had an internet connection in the room, and so I didn't blog about it. I simply wrote down the story afterwords in Word and then posted it that way.

This time I'm going to do short posts to document the process. Again, this blog is mainly for posterity's sake, so if you get bored, tough cookies. We enjoy your coming by and visiting our little blog, but we aren't here for entertainment. If you want to be entertained, checkout my brother Adam's blog It even has some full frontal (male) nudity if you are into that kind of thing. And yes, I'm embarassed to say, he did wax before they took those pictures. The Arellano's aren't that hairless.

Anyway. Point is, I'll post as things happen. As Shena mentions in her post below, we don't know when that will be. Might be tomorrow afternoon, might be Monday. Just check in every now and then if you are curious where we stand.

Just don't expect pictures. I threatened Shena with a webcam, but she threatened to get a high priced attorney and take me for all I had if I did that. So no such action. But you can expect some still photos of the little one afterwards.

In case anyone was wondering, we haven't decided on a name yet. We still don't know if it is a boy or a girl, so we've got to come up with two...just so we are ready. I'm leaning towards Barrack if it is a boy and Oprah if it is a girl. But we'll just have to wait and see.

Funny Kid Quote of the Day


Melissa said...

Good luck! Hope all goes well!