Friday, November 21, 2008

Sleep.... not happening

Just let me start by saying... I would not want to put her back inside. That was much worse than being sleep deprived. I'm sure Cheeto would beg to differ. However, Cheeto has sleep issues anyway- he doesn't sleep when the rest of us sleep deeply for 8-10 hours.

The last night I slept well, without being heavily medicated, was last Friday night before our Sunday delivery. Saturday night I was too uptight about what might become of Sunday's events. I really tried to sleep after they gave me the epidural. I shut my eyes and just listened to football games. Then you know what happened to Sunday night. The tubal surgery made things very complicated. I got back about 2am. The pain medication wasn't working so they started me on dilotted. This is what they gave me when I had a bile leak from gall bladder surgery. It was a rush of relief then and it was this time too. However, because of the all the ansthesia they gave me to get the epidural to work and then having to have general ansethsia- add the dilotted to that it kept making my pulse ox drop like crazy. They had me monitered closely and every 5 minutes an alarm would go off, 2 nurses would rush in and adjust medication and such. After about an hour and half of this, they just started giving me oxygen and said they had to get me off the dilotted- which caused the surgery pains to come back. At one point, I remember just losing it and started crying. One- I wished Cheeto had stayed around. Two- I was so exhausted I couldn't do anything but cry. By this time it was after 4:30am. I just had to get some sleep, which I thought I could get during the day. At 5am- a nurse came in to take blood. At 6:30am they came in to take me off the oxygen. At 7am they brought breakfast- which I was starving since I hadn't eaten since Saturday dinner. I ate and they brought Addelyn in. I was so loopy from all the drugs and ansesthia I was a bit nervous having her in with me. I kept falling asleep. Mom, Dad and Analise showed up about 9:30am. Cheeto came about 10:30. He helped me get showered and then left to get kids. Company came that night. I didn't get a nap all day. My stomach has issues when I have surgery. It takes days for it to start working again. This caused more sleepless nights. Cheeto had the nurse give me ambien that night which was great until 4am. Since then we have been home.

Addelyn wakes up pretty close to every 2 hours. In between, feedings its hard to really sleep because of soreness from milk coming in and feedings. I'm a tummy sleeper- have a hard time sleeping on my back. Yesterday we had a doctors appointment for Addelyn to get weighed. Of course, the only time they had available was during Sassy's nap time so I still didn't get a nap. I have decided I run on 8-10 ours of sleep a night. The first day wasn't too bad but after 5 days- it's really catching up to me. I don't like to sleep when the other kids are around because I like to spend some time with them. I don't want them to feel like I'm a totally dogging them. I keep telling myself, "This too shall pass." I try to not be grumpy and take it out on Cheeto and the kids. So far, I think I have done really well doing that. It's my last baby and I love every chance I get to spend with her.

Addelyn's weight came up a bit but not enough. We have to take her back on Monday to get weighed again. She weighed 5lbs 8z when we brought her home and has only gained 2oz since then. She should be almost back to her birth weight by now. Hopefully, Monday goes better for her.


Its All Good Ya'll said...

Oh dear Shena, my heart aches for you. In some very small cegree I feel your pain. But you are right, this too shall pass, probably not soon enough. I am proud of you for cherishing the moment even if it is slightly miserable. Hang in there!

steph said...

Your kids are so CUTE!! I can't believe how big Cade is! I really can't beleive how big they are! Hope you feel better soon and enjoy that last little baby of yours! The night befor Wmily turned one last year I just held her in the shower and CRIED like a baby knowing that is was my last one. I've turned into a baby in my old age i guess, bt it made me so sad. Enjoy every single second of it, as you know it goes by way to fast!!

Jill W said...

Just remember, you can't really be there for any of your kids if you aren't well rested, too. Take advantage of the awesome family & friends you have that are willing to help and take a nap every once in a while!