Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Water! ARGH!!!!

NOT! I know that it's not suppose to be easy. If it were it wouldn't be worth it. That's what I keep telling myself. This to shall pass. Just hoping it will be sooner than later. :) Sunday morning I woke up to find a new magazine soaked. I asked who dunked it and no one confessed. Why should they... an hour later I went to blow dry my hair for church, I pulled my dryer out from under the sink and it dripped water. I took a minute to look a little deeper and the entire cupboard was flooded. Thanks to a close living friend that has a hair dryer but never uses it. I don't have hair that can just air dry and I wasn't going to church looking frazzled- even though I was on the inside. We gutted the cupboard out, turned the water off, and cleaned up as much as we could. Amazingly, we still made it to church on time. Cheeto got the leak fixed but we wanted to watch it a few days before putting everything away. So my bathroom has been a disaster for 3 days.
Onto my next frustration... I have been putting off packing a bag for the hospital. Cheeto and I were having the conversation the other day about how we really haven't done that much to prepare for this one. I think some of it is because we don't know the sex of the baby so I don't feel like going through clothes and all that yet. AND because I keep thinking we are going to have induction date so I'll know when I'll HAVE to be ready. However, we are getting close and I should really have my stuff put together just in case it happens when we least expect it. Who knows... this one might surprise us and not go past the due date like the other 3. Any who... so I dug only deep enough to find one boy outfit and one girl outfit, receiving blankets (one in pink, one in blue), and socks- that was it. Then I went looking for my nursing stuff again. I have been searching for this one for weeks. I couldn't find them anywhere. Well, it came to me a day or two ago that I might have put them in a box or bag under our bed. So this morning, I decide to go looking there. GOOD THING! I had some gallon jug water bottles stored under there and guess what... 4-5 of them had leaked and molded our carpet in a few spots. ARGH! Cheeto was running behind for work, thankfully- because he was able to help me lift the mattresses off the frame and get the water carried outside. I cleaned up the best I could and tried to get it drying. It wasn't really that wet though. Cheeto really scrubbed and cleaned the carpet tonight. New carpet is in our future. It wasn't too long after Cheeto left this morning that I found my nursing stuff in the top of our closet- right where I thought they were and where both Cheeto and I had looked a couple of times. I was so frustrated that they were right in front of me and I had wasted all this time looking. However, I also think it was a blessing because if I had found them right off then I wouldn't have looked under the bed and found what we did. What a bigger mess we could have had. It seriously could have been months to a year before I went looking under there. I don't even want to think about how nasty it could've been.


Its All Good Ya'll said...

Good girl!!! I love that you were able to recognize your blessings in the midst of trials. Thank you, I needed that today!

Leticia said...

Poor sissy...