Thursday, October 16, 2008

I've been Picture Tagged...

I don't want the person that tagged me to hate me for not following the rules. So here you go...

What you have to do is take your picture file and use the fourth file and the fourth picture. This is what mine was a picture of the desk I refinished early last spring. I found this at the UNCG consignment sale. I promised myself when I went that I wouldn't spend more than $20- because that was all the cash I had on me. Well, I bought the desk for $3 and refinished it for only $5 more dollars- which was the cost of sandpaper. I already had stain. I must say for $8 and a lot of elbow grease I got a nice desk for my kitchen corner. Mission accomplished!

Why couldn't my picture be a cute one of the kids or something.

Funny Kid Quote of the Day
I have to tell a funny story. Saturday I went to a baby shower and won a bunch of chocolate. As you know I don't eat much of it lately. One of the things I won was a bag of Hersey Kisses. Analise wanted one so bad but I was trying to make her give me a kiss before getting the chocolate one. I would ask her, "What do you have to do to get one?" I went to Cade because he knew what to do to get one but he wasn't interested in getting one so he didn't cooperate. So... I went to Cheeto. He, of course, went overkill and grabbed me and "REALLY" kissed me. It kind of caught me off guard. So then I went back to Analise- she then grabbed my head and pulled me towards her and open mouth kissed me! Cheeto was laughing pretty good at this one. Thanks honey for teaching our daughter how to get a Hersey kiss!