Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Golf is over!

Thank heaven for Cheeto! Cheeto saved me yesterday. A month ago Kelson got sick and Cheeto had to take Cade golfing. Kelson remembered this and asked when it was his turn for Daddy to take him. Last night was their final tournament so Cheeto took off work early and took them. We had decided this Saturday, which in the end was perfect because I got sick Saturday night. I thought I felt like crap yesterday, I think today is going to be worst one yet. Anywho... Kelson was so excited. The picture is blurry because I was standing so far away and had to zoom in to see them.

Grandma, Sassy and I went out later for the final cookout and awards ceremony. Sassy found a friend her age to play dolls with. They became good lil' friends!
Kelson's team took runner-up in the tournament and League Champions; therefore, giving Kelson a trophy and a medal. He lucked out and got on the team that had the number one player on it. The boy in the blue striped shirt is an excellent golfer. Par is 27 and he usually shot a 29 or 30. Incredible for a 10 year old! Poor Cade took it like a good sport until we got home anyway. Of course, he always shot a bit better than Kelson, so he didn't think it was fair that Kelson is the one that got the awards. However, Cade did a few rounds that he would just get upset and quit trying. Kelson did as well at times. I told them then that when they didn't get an award it was because they didn't try their best and wouldn't put the time in to better themselves. I have mixed feelings about giving awards like this. One side of me thinks that kids at this age should all be awarded for their efforts. But the other side of me thinks that kids have to learn that you don't win everything in life especially when you don't work hard for it. This is one of those times, I guess. It still broke my heart to see Cade's sad little face, he did take it pretty well considering....

Cade's medical update:
Cade is still fighting off this rash- whatever it is. It has since spread to his cheeks, jaw, stomach, and much worse behind both knees. When is it going to get better. He has been on the medicine for 6 days. It looks awful. I hate being a over paranoid mother at the doctors office- but don't you think it should have been looking better by now? How long would y'all wait it out?


Its All Good Ya'll said...

I am with you. When it comes to my kids I want them better yesterday and if it doesn't happen quick enough I start wondering "what if". Your poor family deals with more odd medical problems than anyone else I know. Bless You!

ashley said...

i don't think that i would've waited 6 days. i'm the paranoid mother in the dr.'s office. i hope that he feels better soon!

Carolina Chocolate said...

Poor guy...If the Dr. didn't tell you how long it would take before seeing results, I would try to research the rash and/or the medicine online. Sometimes you can find out a lot of helpful info. If it's spreading, it doesn't sound like it's getting better. But if it's not bothering him, I'd wait a bit longer. I know it's annoying to wait. I've had to do that a lot with our little one's sensitive skin issues.

Cyndie said...

I never know when to call, either. And when I do call, I want answers, not just, "Bring them in if you feel you need to."

Spreading seems bad, but what if the medicine is flushing everything out of his system?

You'd better call.

And I'm sorry you're sick. We missed you Sunday. Blah.