Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Surgery and Field Trips

We had our day full. It took some creative planning to get everyone where they needed to be. Yesterday, I got the call from the hospital telling me that Kelson's surgery was scheduled for 11am. We thought it would be much earlier. Cade had a field trip to Old Salem which is only a couple of exits before the hospital. I was going to get Kelson through surgery and then go with Cade. However, I think in the end it almost worked out better this way. I left at 8:15am to be over there for the field trip by 9ish. Lettie picked Sassy up by 9ish and Cheeto was bringing Kelson to the hospital. Cade's class stopped for lunch just as Cheeto text me saying that Kelson was just taken in for surgery. I left Old Salem and seriously sat down for less than 2 minutes in the waiting room before they called us back to see Kelson. A part of me was sad that I missed the pre-surgery part. As a mother, and this being our first child to ever have to go through something like this, I really wanted to be there for Kelson- 100%. Cheeto kept saying, "It's no big deal. He was fine." I know he was fine. I wasn't though! I wanted to be there to comfort my baby if not for him,for me. I wanted to hold his hand and to give him that last hug. I know Cade needed me too. I just don't think he really wanted me though. I wanted to go with Cade because I don't know that I'll get to go on many field trips this year with a new baby. Oh well... what's done is done. We made it through fine. Even though I couldn't be in two places at once.

Old Salem Trip
I'm not sure what I thought this place would be like. It was much nicer than I thought. I also thought that the people telling you about the places would be in character like they are in Williamsburg. They were dressed in character though which the kids thought was cool. These houses, stores, and churches have been around for more than 200 years. They divided us up into groups of 7 children and 1 chaperon. I had 7 boys. PHEW.... I thought I was in for it with all boys. However, they were actually very well behaved. I didn't have any wanderers or disrespectful boys. Cade really liked the bakery and the doctor's house. The bakery gave the kids some sample ginger cookies. I didn't think Cade would even try them but he did. He loved them and asked if I could get the recipe. I sent Cade home on the bus, which I usually don't do, just in case we got hung up at the hospital. I didn't want to have Cade sitting around being bored.

Kelson's Surgery
We were instructed to not let Kelson eat or drink anything after 7am. So we thought to be on the safe side we would wake him up and feed him something midway through the night. I took some medicine and fell asleep. So Cheeto woke Kelson up to do so. What I didnt' know was that Cheeto was going to take Kelson to Bojangles. Well, that's where they wanted to go. They found out that it closes at 11pm, after driving to a couple of different locations. They had to settle on McDonalds. As soon as Kelson woke up he had to tell Cade of his midnight adventure with Daddy. I woke up to hear Cade yelling, "IT'S NOT FAIR!" Oh well, you can't make everyone happy. This adventure really made Kelson's day! Thanks Daddy! You are awesome!
Cheeto said they gave Kelson some medicine to make him relax but instead it made him a bit loony. Cheeto used the word "drunk." He said would be a happy drunk though. After about 5 minutes he just fell back and hit his head on the wall, that's when the nurse came and put the bed rails up on the bed. He then kept saying he wanted to get up and play. Cheeto said he needed to sit down but instead he stood on the bed and started using the face mask they gave him and yelling, "da-do-da-doo" (like blowing a trumpet- not sure how to spell that out). Cheeto said he was pretty funny! The entire procedure took less than 10 minutes. The doctor said the tumor was about the size of a pea. They, of course, sent it off for a bioposy. They said it is very rare anything comes of it. Kelson was still chattering away when I got to see him. He kept rubbing his cheek where they put the stitches. I told him not to pick at it or it would make it worse. He came back and said, "I'm not touching my cheek. My nose itches!" He wasn't even close to scratching his nose. Once I got him dressed we met daddy in the waiting room and then started home. Because we had two cars there, I decided it might be a better idea to take him in Cheeto's care because it has leather seats and would be easier to clean up if Kelson happened to get sick and throw up on the way. Good thing... he did throw up 2-3 times on the way home. Thankfully we don't have a car to clean. Also, good thing I was with him and not Cheeto. Cheeto doesn't do well with the sounds or smells of throwing up. We pulled over one time but then decided to just push through the next 20 minutes to get him home. He is doing fine now. He has perked right up and is acting more like himself. Cade just got home and started causing a ruckus so Cheeto came and took him to the office with him. Cheeto was my support today for sure! I wouldn't have made it without him. He saved me many times!

Kelson coming out of anesthesia.


Lacey said...

Aren't you supposed to be relaxing? You are a very bad patient! :0) I'm glad you managed to get it all taken care of.

Its All Good Ya'll said...

Funny, I could have swore a couple blogs ago you mentioned something about bed-rest... Okay super-mom, I am prescribing a night in on your bum, order pizza, and watch a chick flick... or at least dream about it! You take care of yourself and baby #4!