Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Kelson's Pilomatricoma Update

Tuesday we had our appointment at Wake Forest Dermatology for Kelson. He has been such a good little kid through all these doctor appointments. They walked and confirmed that it is in fact a pilomatricoma- which again is a calcified benign tumor that grows in the place of a hair follicle. The doctor said this is something that just didn't form right in utero and is now just presenting itself. It's mostly common in children. He said if it were his child he would have it removed as well. He also said that it's much larger than what we are seeing. So we are meeting with a surgeon on Friday and will schedule a date from there. Of course I worry about having to put him under conscious sedation but we really don't have a choice. At least it's nothing major and it won't take too long. He will have a tiny line on his cheek from the stitches but this should take care of it permanently.
Analise went along for the ride. She was being silly and making Kelson laugh while she pointed out his "owey." (not sure how you spell that.)