Wednesday, April 13, 2005

We Shouldn't Freeze to Death in the Addition

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Work continued on the addition today. They finally got an inspector out to inspect the "rough in." They weren't able to do anymore work on it until that was done. When I got home for lunch the room was filled with rolls of insulation. When I got home at the end of the day, the insulation was all up in the room. They said they still have to do the floor tomorrow and then they have to have a "insulation inspection" before they can start sheetrocking. It's starting to move along a little quicker now. Maybe 3 more weeks and we'll be done?

Had the missionaries over for dinner. It had been quite a while since we feed them. Last time we were signed up was the day after we found out we had mis-carried, so we didn't feed them then. Two nice guys. One is from Blanding, UT. I worked with a guy at Needham Jewelers in Logan, UT named Chris Kurtz who this missionary knows...a little. He actually knows the family, but not Chris real well, which I wouldn't expect since Chris was a couple years older than me, and I've got 10 years on these missionaries nowadays. After dinner the missionaries gave a quick lesson on faith, repentance, baptism and the Holy Ghost. One rolled up a hand towel and made it looke like a plucked chicken. Pretty clever. What did I learn? Faith is like a plucked chicken, I guess. Kidding.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Cade and Kelson got to go to go to grandma's for the third day in a row. Shena came in to work and so they spent the morning over there again. I know they love to visit, but I think they wear grandma and grandpa out after a bit. I'm not sure what they did all morning, I'll have to find out.

Kelson has been having nightmares the last couple of nights and I'm not sure why. He just starts screaming and crying. He isn't really awake while he's doing it, but he doesn't want me to hold him. Somehow he can tell who's got him and he wants his mom. Doesn't hurt my feelings. He's a nice kid and likes to give me hugs...sometimes. He was blowing kisses to the missionaries as they left last night. Shena said grandma taught him that because he doesn't like kisses from grandma, so he blows her kisses instead.

Arellano Update
None to report, that I know of.

Christensen Update
None to report, that I know of.

Daily Report
Sleep: 11:05 - 7:00 - I was in bed by 10:30, but I couldn't get to sleep until 11:00. Frustrating. I seem to say that alot about my sleep, don't I?

Breakfast: 1 bowl of frosted mini-wheats

Lunch: corn tortillas with cheese, shot of apple juice - two oreos with milk

Dinner: home made enchiladas, re-fried beans, mexican rice, with sour cream, kool-aid (fruit punch I think), piece of spice cake with cream cheese frosting.