Sunday, April 17, 2005

Strawberry Dreams

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
I need to explain the title of yesterday’s posting. I forgot to yesterday for some reason. After we got in from working in the yard, something felt a little funny with my right foot, but it didn’t register in my head to analyze what it was. After about 20 minutes of walking around I realized that I couldn’t really feel my big toe. It was weird. I almost wish I hadn’t figured it out, because the rest of the night (and all day today) it was bothering me…like an itch you can’t scratch. Really weird. I must have somehow pinched a nerve just a bit or something, I don’t know.

Church was ok. I only stayed for sacrament meeting because my back was bothering me. Not really my back, just my back muscles. I didn’t do any heavy lifting yesterday, just a repetitive bending over to the ground and then standing back up again. It took it’s toll. I’m a big wuss anyway. Anybody else would have been fine.

After church we had dinner with mom and dad. I actually got a nap this week. I don’t know how long it has been since I’ve had the chance to take as long of a nap as I wanted. It was nice. We stopped by the Plummer’s on the way home to look at a tricycle that they have for Hank that we were thinking of getting for Kelson’s birthday next week. I hope he doesn’t read this…that would spoil the surprise. We wound up talking for about ½ hour, then played a quick couple of games of pool (we didn’t bet this time though, it was Sunday, and we felt guilty about betting on Sunday).
After Plummer’s, we put the boys to bed, and then Shena and I watched “Ladder 49” with John Travolta (he’s dreamy) and Joaquin Phoenix. Not a bad movie. If you don’t want to know what happens, don’t read the rest of this paragraph. Shena watched Brian’s Song today, which is about a football player who gets cancer and dies…so she was crying like a baby after that. Then we watched this movie, where the main character dies and leaves a wife and 2 kids, and she was bawling like a baby again. Add on to that her allergies and her head was killing her pretty good. That’ll teach her to watch sappy movies

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Kelson and Cade were good boys at church and at Grandma's, but Cade was a poop when we left Plummer's. He likes being over there so much that it is hard to get him to come home. I told Shena on the way home maybe we should write Dede into our will since the boys like her so much. I know that would make Marcos mad, so we won't do it...but I'm sure Cade wouldn't mind if he could live at Dede's all the time.

Kelson fell asleep at the dinner table at Grandma's. We were all eating strawberry shortcake in the living room, while he was eating strawberries at the table. He had asked for second, and then he got quiet a few minutes after I gave him his seconds. We thought he was getting into trouble, but instead he was asleep, sitting up in the chair. Lucky he didn't slide or fall out and bang his head on the table or the tile floor. He had one piece of strawberry left in his bowl. I wonder what was going on in his mind just before he fell asleep? "So tired. But must...finish...strawberries."

Shena hates this time of year. She developed allergies about our 2nd or 3rd spring out here, and it has been hard on her ever since. She can't do much outside because her eyes burn and her head starts to pound. I feel bad for her. I've never had ANY type of allergies...ever. Not to foods, not to pollen, so I can't really relate. I just know she is miserable. One of the bad things about living on the east coast is all the green.

Arellano Update
As mentioned earlier, ate with mom and dad. Dad's been working hard in his yard some more. He's going to have a forest of his own in his backyard before the summer is over if he keeps up this pace. He's planted 5 trees back there already, and he is only 1/2 done.

Christensen Update
None to report that I know of.

Daily Report
Sleep: 11:30 - 8:00 - I was beat after yesterday. I don't think I even opened my eyes at 7:00 this morning.

Breakfast: none

Lunch: Grilled steak, home made mac and cheese, green beans, yeast rolls, strawberry jam, coke - later had strawberry shortcake (mom's been reading my blog...she knows how much I like strawberry shortcake now)

Dinner: none - we had a little popcorn as we watched America's Funniest Home Vidoes, then I had a piece of cake and milk just before bed.


Anonymous said...

I'm not even going to comment on your plans for a will because that is exactly what you want. wait....i just commented so i might as well say what i want. just remember that i am going to be the lawyer in the family and i will make that will say whatever i want. and just for the fun of it, i'll raise your kids as democrats...haha

Anonymous said...

Since when does Marcos get to have the kids....what about TIA!?! Don't I get a say in all this? And shouldn't Kelson be dreaming about "wadedies?" (sp)
love ya-