Thursday, April 28, 2005

Painting Away

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
As far as the house goes, the drywallers came and finished up their job. They sanded down the mud, then the regular construction guys came in and primed the walls for us. That meant that when I got home for lunch she started grilling me with questions about what colors I liked for the paint and the drapes, etc. One of these years she will figure out I'm not the one for specifics when it comes to deocrating. I might vetoe a color or two in general, but when it comes down to the details in a room, I really don't care much.

I spent the rest of the lunch break running back and forth between home and Lowe's. The electrician was out to finish his job, so we needed to get him light bulbs and a flood light for the back of the house. Long story short, we had to go back three times today to get the right bulbs. We finally got what we needed, though, so no worries. Just makes me wonder, how many Llano's does it take to BUY a flipping light bulb? You woulnd't think it would be that difficult to get the ones that fit.

Instead of having Elder's Quorum Presidency meeting, I went out with the missionaries on splits. They were splitting with the set from one of the other wards in the stake. Two of them got to go out to eat with the Plummer's, while the other two had to go on splits with me. Tell me, which would you rather do? The guys who went with me had frozen pizza for dinner. the guys who ate with the Plummer's got taken out to a decent restaurant. Didn't seem real fair to me.

Shen couldn't get any help from most of her friends to paint the room. It was kind of short notice, we just found out this morning that she could paint tonight if she wanted to. Teresa felt bad that no one was helping and I was going out with the missionaries, so even though Munsey was out of town, she brought Coit over and the boys played while the moms painted. They got a good coat and a half done by the time I got back...and they actually only painted for about an hour and a half (the rest of the time they spent feeding the kids and talking). When I got home Teresa was headed out to give Coit a bath and go to bed (about 9:00, at this point). Shena and I painted until about 11:00, putting on a second coat and touching up where we could. We actually ran out of paint, so we'll have to buy some more before we can finish.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Shena said the boys were pretty good. The put a gate up in the addition doorway so they could keep a bit of an eye on the boys. Cade also played "deputy" for them and let them know when the two year olds were getting into something.

Arellano Update
I talked to Lettie for the first time in a while. I feel bad because it isn't all her fault that I don't talk to her much. Seems like everytime I used to call she was working, so I kind of quit calling as much. I'll have to work on that. She was telling me some funny stories about what was going out there. She is having some bad luck with cars. She wrecked hers yesterday in the rain trying to avoid a guy who pulled out in front of her. Then while she had it at the place to get it aligned it got hit by somebody, they don't know who (another customer or an employee), but it was in their possession, so they are getting it taken care of. I'll stay out of the car next time she is around.

Christensen Update
None to report that I know of.

Daily Report
Sleep: 11:15 - 6:35 - didn't have a hard time getting to sleep last night...I actually had a hard time staying awake until Shena got to sleep...I think I even beat her to sleep (I can count on one hand the number of times that has happened since we've been married.

Breakfast: 1 bowl of frosted mini-wheats

Lunch: Wendy's - Big bacon classic, no tom, no onions, fries, coke

Dinner: Two pieces of pepperoni pizza (Teresa brought us some leftover pizza from their dinner last night), A&W - after we finished painting, I had a couple Famous Amos and milk.