Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Cade & Kelson Helping in the Yard

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
No work has been done on the house for a couple of days. They are waiting for an engineer to come out and look at the footings to approve them. Not sure what that is all about, but they are apparently unable to continue until this happens. They did, however bring sheetrock into the room to get it ready to put up. I'm not sure if they are doing that themselves or contracting it out. They talked about having somebody else come out and do it.

After work the boys and I moved chips outside. We just had two little piles to do, so it didn't take long. Cade was a good helper (as you can see from the picutres below) he helped me shovel the chips into the wheelbarrow. I didn't even really ask him to. He just wanted to help. Kelson only stayed outside for about 1/2 or so before he go tin trouble and had to go in with Shena.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Shena IM'd me in the middle of the afternoon asking me my height and weight. I thought she was filling out a form or something, but turns out she was playing with some kind of Body Mass Index calculator. If I would have known that I would have lied. She got mad at me because of what I eat and what the BMI thing said. Apparently guys get to eat more than girls. Or something.

We found out today that Cade got into the magnet school that we were trying to get him into. It is a "lottery" type system. They take the applications that they get, then start pulling out names until they fill up the classes, so it's not like he got there on any kind of merit. We are excited none the less. The minimum amount of time he has to stay there is one semester, so we hope to be able to tell by then if he is doing ok with it or not. I think he'll be fine. The magnet school is a spanish immersion school where they go all day speaking Spanish only (even homework). They say that now is the time to teach kids a foreign language since they pick it up so easily at younger ages. Shena was a bit concerned that Cade wouldn't pick up English like he should, but all the research I've seen is that the kids from this school test just as well or better than the kids who go to a traditional school. We may as well let Cade learn Spanish while he is at it. He could actually care less, he just wants to go to school.

Kelson was a bad boy tonight. He would listen to me and stay in the yard while Cade and I worked. HE kept wanting to play in the puddle of water, so I told him he had to go inside. He got mad and started screaming. He went as far as the addition, then started playing in there, next thing I know I look up and he's laughing sticking his hand out of a hole he has put into one of the screens. All I had to do was yell and he started crying. I think he knew right away what he did wrong. But he still isn't listening much. The terrible twos sure aren't fun.

Arellano Update
Talked to Marcos for a few minutes tonight. He only calls when he can't find mom or dad. Said he is starting finals in a couple of weeks, but he's having spring fever right now. I told him it happens to most all of us. It is hard to focus on what we are SUPPOSED to be doing when the weather is nice outisde for the first time in several months.

Christensen Update
None to report that I know of.

Daily Report
Sleep: 11:15 - 7:00 - I could have gone to sleep earlier last night, but I wanted to finish watching Tombstone. I fast forwarded through half of it, I just wanted to see how it ended because I couldn't remember.

Breakfast: 1 bowl of frosted mini-wheats

Lunch: sloppy joes on hamburger bun, cheese, lays sour cream and onions chips, A&W (1/2 bottle) - had another shot of milk and two cookies (feels like deja vu)

Dinner: Stove Top and chicken casserole, wheat bread, A&W - had a couple of cookies just before bed