Friday, April 08, 2005

Dinner at Craig & Susie's

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Really not much to report today. Nothing exciting at work. I'll make this short so that I can try to get some sleep before I spend all day hauling limbs and logs.

It rained most of the day off and on, so I couldn't cut trees tonight. Even if it wasn't raining we had a dinner date with Craig & Susie Hiatt, so it's not like I could have cut trees if it was sunny anyway. Plus with the eclipse and all, it would have been like night anyway.

Nothing happened on the addition today. Just passed the electrical inspection. One more inspection before they can continue on the house, and I have no idea when that will take place. I'm estimating another 4 weeks, but then again, what do I know? I thought this whole thing would be done 3 weeks ago.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Craig and Susie have a puppy. The boys knew about her (her name is Pippi, as in "Longstocking"), so they kept asking about her. C&S had locked her upstairs in their room, but you could hear her whining and barking. Everytime she did the boys were concerned that she might run down the stairs after them. After dinner, they wanted to go up and see her. They got a little brave, when Craig was holding her so that she couldn't get away, but they would flip out when she was running free. Both boys had balls that they were trying to play catch with her. Mostly it was to see who could hit her harder in the head with the ball. They thought it was pretty funny when the ball bounced off her head. Kelson kept telling her to open her "mouff" so that she could catch the ball when he threw it to her. He would show her how to open her mouth. Pretty funny.

Shena spent the day cleaning and running errands. She also made several phone calls to "invite" people to come out and help tomorrow. Sounds like we should have about 5 or 6 there at some point in the day, thanks to her efforts. We'll have to see how the weather is and how much we can get done. Hopefully a pretty good chunk so that I don't get too frustrated that it is never going to get done.

Arellano Update
None to report, that I know of.

Christensen Update
None to report, that I know of.

Daily Report
Sleep: 11:30 - 7:00 - frustrating, frustrating night. About 9:30 just dragging, could have fallen asleep immediately. By the time I got into bed at 10:00, I was partially awake. I watched tv for 1/2 hour, then turned it off, thinking I would fall asleep after a few minutes. Does 60 minutes count as a few?

Breakfast: 1 bowl of frosted flakes

Lunch: Leftovers from last night: flour tortilla tacs (hamburger, beans, salsa, lettuce, cheese) - Sprite

Dinner: Taco soup covered with cheese, sprite, chips. Shena said she liked Susie's better than her own. We also had a couple of scoops of ice cream after dinner.