Monday, April 11, 2005

Cade's Trip to the Dentist

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Didn't do anything but go to work today. Spent 5 minutes this morning talking to the construction crew about a fence. Went to work, came home for lunch, went back to work, went to mom's for dinner, looked at dad's new gardening work, came home, laid on the couch and fell asleep. That's it. Nothing exciting to report in there whatsoever.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Cade FINALLY went to the dentist for the first time today. We tried twice before to get him to go to our normal dentist, but each time he freaked out. They recommended that we try a pediatric dentist (their polite way of saying "Don't bring that kid back here ever again or we will ask YOU to quit coming too." Shena built it up for a couple of weeks. Saturday when we stopped to get a movie at the video store, Cade found "The Incredibles" Playstation game and wanted to get it. We told him we would come back and get it on Monday if he was a good boy at the dentist. He wasn't real happy with the idea, but he didn't pitch a fit. I got a phone call about 10:00, and I had been worried about how it was going. When the phone rang I hoped it was Shena telling me everything went well, but it was actually Cade all excited "Daddy! I went to the dentist! And I opened my mouth and they looked at my teeth and Cade is going to get "The Incredibles" game and Cade was a good boy." Pretty funny. Shena said they didn't use any power tools on him, just got him to open his mouth and count his teeth and I think they brushed them too. They had a gameboy that she said he held on to and played with while he was sitting in the chair. They said he will for sure need braces (how they can tell that already, I don't know) and that he has one cavity in one of his molers, so he has to go back in a couple months to have it taken care of. That will be a REAL dental experience for him. I hope this is a temporary thing. Maybe if we work a little harder on brushing his teeth we can avoid the cavities in the future.

While Cade was at the dentist, Kelson was at grandpa's playing outisde. He was "helping" grandpa in his garden. Shena said he was covered in dirt. Not sure if she got a picture of it or not. When Cade got there he went outside and helped grandpa for a while too. Those boys LOVE to be outside. That is why I can't wait to get this backyard done and grass in and a fence up so that they can start playing out there. They will probably spend more time outside than in front of the tv (at least I hope so).

Arellano Update
Dad did a lot of work in his yard today. He's creating a new border along his east fence with some new plants. He likes to work outside. Maybe I'll hire him to be the gardener at our house, too.

Christensen Update
Got our weekly e-mail from Ryan today. Sounds like he is having a few trials at the end of his mission. The adversary never gives up, so we can't either. He's got a good attitude and is well aware of that.

Daily Report
Sleep: 2:00 am - 7:20 - one of those nights again. Made it a pretty tough day to stay awake

Breakfast: None

Lunch: Leftover Domino's from Saturday, had a few bites of cake and milk, too

Dinner: Homemade corn tortillas, beans, roast beef guiso, coke.