Thursday, April 14, 2005

Red Neck Siding

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
We had a bit of a set back on the addition today. As they started putting the siding on, they came and got Shena and asked her to come and look at it to see what she thought. The reason they wanted her to come and look was that it looked like trash. The new siding looked so much lighter than the existing it was ridiculous. Problem was, when you held the new siding up to any other side of the house, it looked very, very close. The North wall of the house hasn't ever had any sun, so the color has probably stayed pretty close to the original. But the rest of the house looks slightly lighter. Shena came up with the idea to just do the entire North wall the with the new siding so that you couldn't tell where the new siding started. And because the colors are pretty close and the corners of the house have a white trip to them, you can't see the difference in the new and the old. We will have to wait and see what it looks like on the back side of the house where the addition meets the house. I doubt it will be as bad as it was on the North wall. Bad news is it isn't free to have them do the whole side of the house. I guess that is why they tell you not to count on the price you are quoted in the contract. There is always some kind of expenses that pop up that weren't expected. Let's just hope there aren't anymore of these from here on out...we are getting low on funds (contributions welcome!).

After work I foudn out that Ed Plummer was in town after all (he had told me earlier in the week that he wouldn't be back until late Thursday) and that they had delivered his new pool table today. He told us we should come over and play a quick game. So we stopped by for about an hour or so and I played him once (he beat me) and thens Shena played him once (he beat her, too). We are supposed to have a party there tomorrow night, but it sounds like nobody is going to make it but Shena and I. We'll have fun anyway.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Cade and Kelson spent part of the day at Grandma and Grandpa's again. Shena taught piano lessons, and she normally takes the boys with here, but I guess they wanted to stay with the abuelos today. Cade helped grandpa plant some trees, Kelson feel asleep on the mat by the sliding glass door. He was watching them work, but he just couldn't keep his eyes open.

Arellano Update
Mom invited us over for dinner. They had the missionaries over too. Good stuff. That meant I didn't even get home to change clothes until about 8:30 last night, which really isn't too bad. It just felt like a long time.

Christensen Update
None to report that I know of.

Daily Report
Sleep: 12:00 - 7:00 - or so...can't remember exact minutes for some reason.

Breakfast: 1 bowl of frosted mini-wheats

Lunch: enchiladas, rice, beans and sour cream left over from last night, kool-aid

Dinner: simmered pork (not sure what to call it), beans, home made corn tortillas, cheese, coke. Just before bed I had a couple of bites of cake and some milk.