Monday, April 25, 2005

Deck is Back in Service...Almost

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Spent a good portion of the work day studying for my CLU. I have until June 31 to take the test for this course, and so I set up a schedule to be done with chapters on certain days so that I have two weeks of review time before I'm scheduled to take the exam. I am about 3 chapters behind, so I'm trying to catch up. This is turning out to be tougher than when I was in school for some reason. Maybe because I am used to coming home after work and having the night to myself, as opposed to when I was in school I was in the habit of coming home and studying.

They got the deck bolted onto the house, but haven't put up the permanent posts yet. As mentioned in the pictures, I think it looks better than I had hoped. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect, but I think it looks fine. Hopefully we'll be able to put my grill back up there this weekend and use it. It's been quite a while since we grilled out because of the construction. They also got the dry wall up today. It actually makes the room look bigger, if you ask me. We are so ready for this project to be finished. It is taxing to have this go on for so long. The good thing is it isn't being constructed in the middle of our living space (like having a kitchen or bedroom re-modeled), but it is still a long process.

We had FHE with the Crockett's tonight. That was fun. Danny had the lesson, which meant we just supplied the meeting place and the treats for after. We had a quick lesson about forgiveness. Cade did pretty good, and of course Kelson and Cody didn't really recognize what was going on. They were just interested in playing. They were quiet anyway.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Shena said the boys were really good today, so we bought them McDonald's with some gift certificates that Kelson got from Graham Self for his birthday. Cade even told Kelson thank you for sharing his certificates. Kelson just said, "uh-huh."

Arellano Update
Mom and dad are leaving for San Diego on Wednesday. They will be gone for 2 weeks. Hopefully all will go well for Melissa and having the baby, which is the whole reason they are going out.

Christensen Update
None to report, that I know of.

Daily Report
Sleep: 1:15 - 6:45 - I almost got up at 6:30...although since I didn't get to sleep until 1:30, I'm not too upset with myself for not getting up that early.

Breakfast: None

Lunch: Cheese stuffed rigatonni (sp?), with spaghetti sauce, covered with cheese, rolls, water. I had a piece of chocolate cake with vanilla icing and a small glass of milk, too.

Dinner: Taco Bell - spicy chicken burrito (no tomato/onion) with extra cheese, bean burrito, no onios - A&W. We had cake and ice cream for the treat for FHE. Rocky road...mmmmmmm.