Monday, April 18, 2005

Great Big Steaming Piles of Ships - er Chips

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Kind of a typical Monday. Running behind. On the way to work I realized that I hadn't brushed my teeth yet. Before you freak out, I have a toothbrush and paste at work (for the off chance I want to brush after lunch) so it wasn't too bad. Then I realized that the tie I had on had a HUGE stain on it...took up about half the tie. Luckily it was cold in the office so I wore a jacket all morning. Then when I got home for lunch, the bread we were going to eat was moldy, so I had to run to the store, which meant I had about 10 minutes to eat. Never fun to eat and run.

After work, I started working in the yard. The tree guy is supposed to come out on Wednesday to grind up the stumps, so I had to get the remaining wood piles out of the yard and the chips moved to make sure there weren't any stumps under them that needed to be ground down. I got all the sticks and logs moved when dad and mom arrived. We worked until dark, and got the two big chip piles taken care of. As dad would pull out a shovel full, steam would rise out of the pile...not because it was cold out (it was about 70 degrees) but because of the heat that was being created as the chips were decomposing. Pretty cool (but stinky).

I jumped in the shower after the yard, and Shena and I ordered dinner. I got a gift certificate to The Loop for my birthday. Everytime we thought about using it in the past, it was too late at night and they were closed. We barely got our order in time tonight. We ordered about 8:30, and they close at 9:00. We are lucky theyd didn't say "sorry, the grill is closed."

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
The boys were not very good today. Shena's was really not feeling well (allergies), and they were being poops. I think they just get a little cabin fever after a while. Hopefully this yard work we are doing will help them a bit. They won't have grass all summer, but at least they will have some room to go out and run around a bit.

Arellano Update
Already mentioned that mom and dad came over to help out. I'm going to make fun of mom now, but that doesn't mean I didn't appreciate the help. She and dad picked at each other the whole time. He kept trying to get her to move the wheelbarrow to prove that she could. She wouldn't, but helped by picking up sticks and piling them up. She also made part of the wood pile fall down when she put one too many logs on it. Dad gave her a hard time about that. She had to quit after a bit because her foot was hurting.

Christensen Update
None to report that I know of.

Daily Report
Sleep: 12:15 - 7:00 - I got caught watching "Tombstone" on Encore last night. I didn't realize that Billy Bob Thornton was in it, he looked very different, and also "John Locke" from "Lost" is in it too. I finally realized how late it was at 12:00 and turned it off, even though there was still two hours left in the movie...thank goodness for TiVo right?

Breakfast: None

Lunch: sloppy joe's (Erin's recipe...very good) with double cheese on buns, sour cream and onion lay's, kool-aid - had a shot of milk and two cinammon and sugar cookies

Dinner: The Loop - Loop 'n Cheddar, fruit cup (trying to eat healthy, can you tell?), A&W - chocolate milkshake (well...that eating healthy didn't last long, did it?) - I also had another shot of milk and one cinammon and sugar cookie - they are the best fresh