Monday, February 14, 2005

Sacral Joint

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Heard from Dr. Ross today about my MRI. He said that my back and discs look fine. He can't see any problems with them at all. He said they could see some problems with the joint where my back and my pelvis are attached. Said that we would try some more ultra-sound know, the kind where they rub my butt, for a couple of weeks and see if that helps anything. The other option is to receive a shot somewhere near the joint. He didn't go into details about that, but it doesn't sound like fun. I think I'd rather have somebody rub my butt than have a six inch long needle stuck all the way inside me. (shudder)

Watched The Village tonight. Kind of an intense movie until the end...then it isn't very scary at all. Kind of a let down, too. I guess in a psychological kind of way it is scary, but not the kind that makes you scared of the dark. It also left too many questions unanswered...unless I missed the clues during the movie.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
After work had a rough evening with the boys. One thing I hate doing is coming home from work and having to immediately start disciplining the boys. But it seems to happen to regularly. Puts me in a bad mood the rest of the evening. When I got home Shena was trying to get Cade to clean up his toys in the living room. It took a trip to the mat and some olive oil on his tongue to get it done. And then he refused to eat his dinner...said he didn't like it, even though he had never tried it and even though he LOVES spaghetti. No amount of trying to reason with him would get him to eat (Kelson was the same way). So we put their pj's on and sent them to bed (at 7:00 pm). Cade normally likes a door open and the hall light on while he falls asleep, but I closed the door. He freaked out and started yelling "It's too dark!" So I said "You don't want to be in the dark? Then you can either lay in your bed in the dark or you can come out and eat your dinner." He goes, "I'm hungry. I want to eat my dinner." After his first bite he said "Dad, this is good! Cade likes it!" Silly boy. Took him being scared of the dark to get him to try his dinner. The rest of the night went well with him. He was a good kid the rest of the night. Kelson, on the other hand, was a poop again. He wouldn't eat his dinner either, so we started trying to put him to bed at 7:30, he finally stayed in bed at 9:15 after an hour and a half of fighting with him and his screaming and crying. VERY frustrating night.

Arellano Update
Stopped by Mom and Dad's for lunch. Shena had taken the boys over to visit because she was feeling ok and wanted them to be able to visit while she was up to it. When I got their, the Dish Network tech was installing their new receiver. A pretty nice one. They just have the one receiver for both of their TV's, and it can record off both signals at the same time. Pretty nice, I just hope dad can figure it out. They also had their new carpet installed in Marcos' old room and their bedroom. I haven't seen it yet, but mom says it looks good.

Christensen Update
Shena said that Erin and Sky are trying to get the Judd's to come out to the east coast to visit some friends of theirs. If they did that, Erin and Sky would come and visit us. We have our fingers crossed. We'd love to have somebody come out here and visit us!

Daily Report
Sleep: 12:00 - 5:30 & 7:00 - 7:30 - Kelson woke up at 5:30 and wouldn't go back to bed. Little poop. After crying (no, screaming) for 45 minutes straight because he wanted to lay in bed with mommy and I wouldn't let him, he finally feel back to sleep at about 6:45.

Breakfast: None

Lunch: Roast beef tacos on corn tortillas, cheese, apple juice

Dinner: Lasagna, french bread (covered with cheese), cinnamon roll, milk.