Tuesday, February 01, 2005

90' Shot!

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Writing this a day late, but it's getting written none the less. I hope you can forgive me for being late. I spent 8:00 until 12:30 reading that Tom Clancy book. Very "gripping" reading...as cheesey as that sounds. I finally quit when I couldn't keep my eyes open because they were hurting so bad.

Not sure if any of you caught Sports Center this morning, but if you did, you probably saw the full-court length shot that was made to win a game. That was MY alma mater's basketball team, and the whole school is abuzz about it. The shot apparently also made it onto CNN and who knows how many other newscasts. Now, Guilford College can say it's famous for two different things. One is the shot, the second is for some moron student from Guilford College who snuck some boxcutters onto a couple of flights a couple years ago, not too long after 9/11. Hopefully people will remember "the shot" longer than they will remember the boxcutters.

Not sure if any of you saw this article about Eagles Fans getting home-equity lines of credit to pay their way to the super bowl, but it is pretty interesting/sad. I have to be careful, though, because back when Carolina still had a chance to make the playoffs, and Pittsburgh looked like it was going to go all the way, I told Shena if they both made it to the Super Bowl the same year, I just might have to max out the credit cards if necessary to get there. She keeps telling me there is no way I would do it, but I have to honestly say, I would be VERY tempted and can't say that I wouldn't. We'll just have to wait and see if it ever happens.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
We signed up for Vonage Broadband today. We will be passing out a new phone number for everybody to call when the equipment gets here to get us hooked up. We will be keeping our current phone number for security alarm purposes, but we figure we will still save ourselves about $200 a year, even with having two seperate phone lines. I'll let you know what I think of it once it gets hooked up.

I think I mentioned that Bart & Cherie (Shena's mom and dad) would be coming to visit us end of February. They talked about getting an air-mattress to sleep on this time out so that they didn't feel like they were kicking the boys out of their room. Well, Shena and I decided it might work better if we just bought the boys a little pup tent for them to sleep in. Cousin Ethan (Adam & Melissa's) got one for Christmas and it was set up at mom & dad's for several days. The boys loved it. Kind of like a little fort for them. So we are hoping they will want to "camp out" in our living room in their tent while grandma and grandpa C. are here.

Arellano Update
Marcos reports that he is not likely to consider any jobs in Atlantic City. Said it doesn't compare to Las Vegas at all. Very dirty in between the casinos, kind of a sleazy feel to it. Kind of like Disneyland comapred to Disney World?

Christensen Update
I'm still bugging Shena to devote 10 minutes to filling you in here.

Daily Report
Weather: Hi 38 - Low 27 - Mostly Sunny - felt much warmer than the temperature - why is it like that sometimes? I guess I don't care enough to research it myself

Sleep: 11:30 - 7:30 - the usual night

Breakfast: None

Lunch: Left over BBQ Roast meat from last night on a hoagie with two slices of cheese, bugels, sprite

Dinner: Corn tortillas with cheese...I wasn't real hungry and neither was anybody else, so we ate light - orange juice with dinner, then had the rest of the brownies from Sunday and milk