Monday, August 29, 2005

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Cade had another rough morning getting ready for school. He was relatively happy when he woke up but as soon as we started pushing him to eat some breakfast and get dressed the happiness dissolved. He started coming down with a cold last night so I knew he didn't feel well either. I tried to stay patient and stay positive, but at the same time felt sad that he didn't really want to go. Today, a tear actually came to my eye when he left. He was so happy to see me this afternoon when I picked him up. I was the second car in line today and saw him come out of the school. He didn't see me, so I walked to the step and yelled his name. He jumped and yelled, " Senor, that's my mommy! That's my mommy!" I loved it!!!!! He literally jumped off the step and ran into my arms. He then told me, "Mommy, I missed you so much today. I loves you. Can we go home now?" Of course my heart melted. I always knew Cade loved me, but you all know he is not an affectionate child. I have had more loves and kisses in the last 5 days than I have in the last 5 years. I allows me to kiss him and hold him like he never would before. I believe Cade has realized that he actually needs mom. Don't we all!
As for what Kelson and I did today. We went walking this morning with Danny Crocket and Susie Hiatt. When we got home we started the potty training process. Kelson loved the idea at first. It faded quickly into frustration and tears. Kelson made it the first few trial run dry, but once the apple juice hit; MAN... that boy wet his pants constantly. I did much better about not getting frustrated with Kelson. Cade was a different story. Well, it was Kelson that was sad and upset. He thought he was in trouble. One time he sat on the toilet and stood up and peed all over the floor. I thought he should be done by now. Nope! We were out of dry draining pant within the first 2 hours, so i sent him to his room for a diaper. I then heard "water" hitting the floor. He stood right in front of his dresser and peed all over the carpet. We were done for the day. The rest of the day he would say,"...still dry, mommy. Still dry!" He was wearing a diaper, of course he felt dry. Poor kids, potty training must suck for them too.
Cade gave the FHE lesson tonight. He did a great lesson on the word of wisdom and such. Then we all piled in Millie and went to Krispy Kreme. Afterward went to Target for a few things. Kinda wierd going all together to Target. Nothing all of us had done before. It was nice having so much help with the boys while shopping. Ya moms know what I mean. :)
Well, Cheeto. Who is the slacker now? You might regret getting me to do this. I'm waiting for Cheeto to come home as I type. Doing more Elders Quorem business at the church tonight. He is really trying his best at this. Good Guy!

Arellano Update
Talked to Lettie. She got me craving a BLT. Said she was in her friends garden snatching a tomato. She said that she and Melissa had to chuckle at Cade's pictures. Said he looked like he was posing for his senior pictures. Hey, he's done it before. He knew the drill. ;)

Christensen Update
Mom said that Becky went to the doctor and was dilated to a 3cm. Mom said she will be out of town all day Wednesday running errands in Pocatello and Rexburg and is praying the baby doesn't decide to come then. She doesn't think Allie would enjoy the day of adult errand running.

Daily Report
Sleep: 9pm- 6:25am

Exercise: walked 2.5 miles @ Battleground park- 35-40 minutes/weights
Breakfast: bowl of Frosted Flakes
Lunch: Tuna sandwich with cheese
Dinner: pasta, green beans, and bread- krispy kreme donut