Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Catching Up...

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play - Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Ok, so here's how it's going to go down for the next little while.

I'm up to my ears in stuff going on...and frankly I don't feel like I have the time to bore you all with the little details, sooooo....I am going to do my best to at least get the major highlights each day, maybe a little commentary. I am also going to work really hard on getting Shena involved to help me fill in the holes a little.

Monday (22nd) was Cade's birthday and he loved every second of it. Shena made an awesome "Dash" (from the Incredibles) cake (pictures to come), he had balloons and tons of presents...got to pick what we had for dinner (bean burrito's), went golfing with grandpa and just enjoyed himself.

Sunday (21st) I got a new calling, which is part of the reason I'm not going to have time to blog it up as much. We also spent part of the afternoon with the Plummer's, since we haven't seen them much lately. We watched "Strange Brew" and hung out for a bit.

Today (23rd) We went to an open house at Cade's school to meet his teacher and see his room and get instructions, etc. Cade SAID he was excited, but he didn't really look or act like it. Not sure if he was just trying to be "cool" or what. I don't think he even knows what it means to be cool, but it's like he was trying to hide any emotions. Kind of weird. We'll see how Thursday (first day of schol) and Friday (whether he wants to go back or not) go .

Saturday (20th) We golfed first thing in the morning (7:30) with dad and Marcos at Greensboro National. We were glad we started early. It was hot as Hades (sp?) before we were done. It was fun. Going to be a while before we all get to play together again.

Friday (19th) We had a ward swim party at Bur-Mil. Good times. Kelson scared the crap out of me one time. We were standing in the shallow end (up to Kelson's waist), but I was about 12-15 feet away from him. I was getting ready to put on some goggles of Cade's to go under the water and grab Kelson's leg. I went to put them on and they kind of flipped and hit me in the eye..so I was rubbing it and fixing the googles. When I opened my eyes again, Kelson was laying on his back under the water, thrashing around, trying to get his feet under him. I don't know how long he was under (couldn't have been more than 5 seconds), but it still scared me. He just coughed a little when I grabbed him, so I don't think he breathed much water in. But, of course because he is Kelson, he was fine after about 10 seconds. He didn't cry. He didn't act scared. He wanted me to put him back down in the water so he could play some more. That scares me.

Sleep: Feels like hardly any the last 5 days

Food: We've still done really well with not eating out much...McDonald's on Friday night was it...ate at home or at mom's the rest of the time.