Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Love Me Some Chocolate Cake

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Another boring, typical day. After work I went and helped Shena get set up for her "Enrichment Night" at the church, then brough the boys home. We played on the swingset, ate some ice cream and popsicles, took a bath, cleaned the living room, then watched Thomas. All incredibly exciting to you, I know.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
I'm really going to have to start bugging Shena about writing in here. She tells me funny things that the boys say and do sometimes, and I simply forget to share the story...but if she would write, it would get told gooded (that was an akward sentence).

Arellano Update
Mom helped Shena at Enrichment meeting tonight. They had some cooking classes, and mom showed everybody how to cook some mexican food. Shena said they ran out.

Christensen Update
None to report that I know of.

Daily Report
Sleep: 11:45 - 7:03 - kept hitting the snooze this morning, but don't remember doing it

Breakfast: 1 bowl of frosted flakes, 1 banana

Lunch: Tuna on white with cheese, cool ranch doritos, milk, a couple cookies and a couple chocolate mini-doughnuts

Dinner: "Tortilla Wedges" (I was informed by Shena) leftover from last night, milk - had a piece of chocolate cake that Dede sent home to me...and no matter what she says, I know she WAS thinking of me specifically when she sent it home with Shena...it had NOTHING to do with the fact that they had way too much cake for them to eat by themselves...she just knows how much I love chocolate cake and was thinking of me the whole time