Thursday, August 11, 2005

Corporate Lawyers

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Had an annual, mandatory compliance meeting for work today. Always a bit of a nerve racking time of the year. You know how corporate lawyers can matter how strict you are about going by the rules, they always think you should be doing something else. I guess it's their job, but it sure is tough trying to make them happy.

After work just kind of hung out with the family. Surf for a while, too, which I haven't had time to do in a while. Kind of nice, catching up on all the news and sports, etc. I've got to start getting ready for fantasy football. I've been in charge of a league for the last couple of years, so I've got to get it up and going sometime this weekend. I did come across this article though: . Leave it to somebody to ruin a good thing. Who knows what the repurcussions (sp?) might be from this. I remember the episode well, and I wouldn't have thought the people would have done something like that, but who knows.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Cade had a swimming lesson. Shena said he is getting better about keeping his head under water. Before he would just go under for a second or two. She said as long as he had his goggles on, he would stay under a little bit longer. He's proud of the way he kicks his feet, though.

Arellano Update
Marcos was supposed to stop by and see the Christensen's on his way down to Layton, but he dogged them. What's up with that? He's leaving Idaho on Monday and went to spend the weekend with Adam and Melissa. I don't count on either one of them blogging about it...the slackers.

Christensen Update
See above.

Daily Report
Sleep: 1:00 - 7:30 - I couldn't sleep again...drives me nuts

Breakfast: 1 bowl of frosted flakes, glass of o.j. at the meeting

Lunch: leftover tortilla wedges (yes, there was a little left), leftover spaghetti casserole, milk, two bites of chocolate cake

Dinner: Shena's taco salad (lettuce, crushed dorito's, hamburger, salsa (or Catalina dressing), cheese) - water - had a fudgesicle and then some chocolate cake and milk later