Sunday, March 02, 2008


First thing was my Body Pump class at the gym. I love those Saturday morning classes. Not so early in the morning. Cade enjoys going as well. Cheeto studied all morning so we could have him all afternoon and evening. His big test is Thursday so we have some long evenings the first part of the week. He's hangin in there and getting it done- that is the important thing! It'll be worth it one of these days. I keep telling myself that it's all temporary. Cheeto has amazing self- motivation to study all of this on his own I would have a hard time sitting for hours every night studying alone in an office building. I would do better in a class that I had a paid instructor teaching me. That's just me though. Cade and Kelson both started the Spring Soccer season this weekend. Kelson's game started at 1:15pm and Cade's was at 2:40pm. Kelson did great. He's not running around pretending to be Batman or Spiderman and "throwing webs" on other kids. He had a couple of good passes and goal attempts. The video I caught of him "warming up" to go in the game was hilarious. Cade had an awesome first game. He scored 2 goals. Yep, 2 goals! His coach couldn't be there so another teammate's brother helped out. I wasn't a fan of this one. I thought another parent should have done it. The team did great without anyone yelling at them what to do. The other team's coach was constantly yelling to his team as to where to pass the ball and such. I was proud of Cade's team for winning completely on their own. It's actually starting to look like real soccer. We made pizzas for dinner and went to Krispy Kreme for a treat. We had free coupons so we didn't even have to pay. It was nice to go out and not pay for anything. I have to brag out about our gas bill savings. Our heat in the house has been on the fritz for a couple of winters now. This year we invested in a electric heater and decided to forget about even turning on the gas heat. We bought a Delonghi heater from Lowes for $70. I thought this was expensive, but after looking at the bill yesterday I'm glad we did it. Last February (2007) our bill said we use 97 units costing us $139 for the month. This year we used 20 units costing us $38. That's just one month of savings. We have only used our heat a couple of days all winter. I'm so impressed with our savings. It's just another way for me to feel like I'm contributing.

I woke up Friday morning thinking, "It really looks light outside for being so early in the morning." Well, it wasn't that early. It was 6:50am. Thankfully Cade's bus driver has been arriving 10-15 minutes late for months now. We all had slept in! I had to tell Cheeto 3 times that we had slept in. I don't know why I had to wake him up to tell him that but I did. Cade was a trooper and we all know now that he CAN get ready in 10 minutes if he has too. Some mornings it takes him 20 minutes just to get dressed. I went to the gym- that felt good. I was, as usual, hurting by the time I was done, but at least I went. If I'm going to hurt anyway, might as well be in shape as well. I can tell I have taken a few weeks off. I have to play catch-up. The rest of Friday was a bust. Because of all the house cleaning I did on Thursday, the only thing left to do was laundry. The house still looks pretty good. I have to get on the kids to pick up everything in order to leave the house. That might become our new rule. It use to be before going to bed. But the past few days it's been leaving the house and it seems like there is less to pick up that way. Cheeto had a basketball game at 6pm. The kids, well, the boys, really enjoy watching him play. His team won, again. They are undefeated this year. Analise has done a phenomenal job with the potty training. No accidents in three days. She is in full blown big girl undies. I love it! She even tells me when she has to go! I'm so excited. Nights aren't all there, yet. But we are working on it.

Funny Kid Quote of the day
Kelson: Friday night we had gone to Tia Lettie's house after the game. It was after 8:30pm when we got home. Kelson was just grumpy about everything. Cade asked what his problem was. Kelson yelled, "It's Mommy's fault! She didn't put me to bed on time!"