Sunday, March 30, 2008

6 is TOO MANY!!!!

Testing to see if our van holds 6 car seats. Yep it does!

I have to give my friends Leesa and Keri some credit. I accepted to babysit some of our friend's kids so they could go to the temple. I was happy to do it. It got crazy at the end when 4 out of the 6 were screaming at me. However, because it was "temporary" I was ok. We already had plans to go the park for a picnic Friday night. Cathy said she didn't care that we still went and took her kids as well. Thankfully our van seats 8. It really looked like it was going to rain, so we left the house in a rush to get some park play in before dinner. It never did rain. I was blessed to have 5 more adults there. Mom, Dad, Lettie, Kris, and Cheeto also went. Cheeto had to leave to get some more studying done. I wanted to let them run as much energy out at the park as they could. Towards the end Joe, he's 5, and Cade both started complaining they had to go to the bathroom. The bathroom closest to us were locked. So here were my options. #1- try to run them down a hill and then up a hill to a bathroom in the far off distance. #2 Load them in the van and drive up the street to the bathroom. #3- Just let them be boys. The rest of the adults agreed the 3rd would probably be the best solution not resulting in wet pants. I found a big tree pretty much hiding anything. We so often tell them to point it down so it doesn't spray all over the toilet. In this case... it was hard to get them to point it out. Cade stood too close to the tree and peed all over my foot. GROSS!!!!! We learned the hard way. Where was Cheeto when I needed him?!?!?!?! We came home and just watched movies. It was then that their 2 little girls got fussy. They really wanted their mommy. Analise was getting a little protective so she joined in on the crying. Cheeto came home and dealt with our kids while I handled the others. There was an hour there that I was struggling. But it's an hour! Cathy and Matt were able to go to the temple. It was worth it. I realize so many other couples aren't as blessed as we are to have family and friends so willing to help for such things. I am more than willing to pay it back and help others.
Saturday it started pouring early morning. Cade's soccer game had already been canceled due to not enough players. They said they were still going to try to play Kelson's game at 1pm. I had started to feel sick. Just the sore throat, stuffy head and head ache; I wasn't about to go sit in the rain and 40 degree weather for an hour. So we opted to run our few errands. When we got back I wanted to start sewing the Easter dress I was suppose to have made for Analise last week. It turned out so cute. It's just a bit too cold for it today. We will have to wait until next week for her to wear it. We fixed dinner, watched a movie, and went to bed. I watched August Rush after the kids went to bed. It's a cute movie. I enjoyed the music in it. I would recommend it. As the movie went on, I felt like I was going down hill fast. I really thought all day that it was just allergies. However, I think it's a bad cold something. I will push through my primary lesson and rest the rest of the day. Cheeto will be studying so the kids and I can just watch movies all afternoon. I was up at 4am because of coughing and such, so I'm positive that nap/quiet time will be inforced today!

Funny Kid Quote of the Day
Cade had started quoting things. #1 "What's the hurry Murray?" He said it was from a movie he liked. #2- "My bad!?" Instead of saying sorry this is what he says. It's funny to hear him speak slang. Funny Kid.

Analise: I caught her trying to go to the bathroom herself. Thankfully I caught her just in time. She was standing up- "like da boys!" she said. She did drip a bit on the carpet, but I yelled, "STOP!" Scared her pretty good to actually stop. Having brothers is hazardous at times. What the teach their sister!!!?!?!?!