Saturday, March 15, 2008

OK- it's been a few days

Thursday was a cleaning day. After feeling nasty all day Wednesday, I couldn't get myself out of bed to go to the gym. Cheeto got up with Cade and I slept in an extra hour. That was nice! I decided to use my pain free hours wisely. So instead of going to the gym, I cleaned the house and did yard work. It smelled like something had been dying in the fridge, so the first thing on my list was to clean out the fridge. Analise and Kelson got real excited to help with this. Kelson kept telling Analise, "Be careful with this, this bottle is breakaful." It was funny, everything after that was breaka"ful" to Kelson. Aaron Hilton came over right after lunch to help me clean out flower beds. We have an agreement- I teach him and his sister piano lessons and in return they help us with babysitting and yard work. It works out pretty nice. Aaron has been feeling bad because I haven't actually used his service since September. But there just isn't much yard work through the winter. Now that it is warming up I'll be asking for his help much more. I'll get him to help me with the stuff that Cheeto just doesn't have time to be bothered about. Aaron was a huge help! What a few years does for a child! It will be nice when Cade is old enough to do what Aaron did. I had the yard mowed before Aaron got there, so we got to work on the beds when he arrived. We were all done before Cade got off the bus. Cade was excited about the popcicle party we were having on the porch. My kids love nothing more than popcicle parties! Cade had soccer practice at 4:30pm. I didn't feel like running any errands so the two little ones and I sat in the van and just waited. It was our turn for car pool this week so we had Jake with us. When it was over, I went to start the van and Millie wouldn't start. I guess we listen to the radio too long. It wasn't on the entire time but long enough. I use to listen to the radio an hour while I waited to pick up Cade from Jones Elementary. I didn't even think about her not starting. I asked a couple other moms and no one had any jumper cables. Thankfully, Coach Marvin helped us out. He drive a Honda Odyssey as well. He parked his car so we were nose to nose. Cade then said, "Hey look, Millie is kissing Coach Marvin's van." Kelson laughed and said, yes- then we can have little Millie's. Weird children! Cheeto had dinner waiting for us again. I just love that man! He then went to study and I had a knitting class, which has pretty much turned into social hours with friends. We do usually knit though!
Friday my goal was to get to Costco. Cheeto offered to do that one for me on his lunch break. I still had some errands to run. Kelson asked me today why do mom's have so many errands! He hates them! I asked Mom if she wanted to go with us and she did. It was a good thing, she ended up chauffering me around. That was nice. I wasn't feeling well enough to drive but had to get some stuff done. My favorite pair of jeans that broke while shopping last weekend had been sent to get fixed but as I was taking them off the hanger they broke again. I wanted to take them back immediately to have them fixed again. I also wanted to get to The Children's Place to get Easter ties for the boys. That is, in my opinion, the best place for church clothes. I got lucky and found my favorite flip-flops for Analise. They have elastic straps on the back to help her keep them on. I bought some from Old Navy last year and they just aren't the same. We were trying to get to the temple friday night as well and they were full when I called. I was on the waiting list and said they would call if anyone had canceled. Our sessions was for 6pm and they called at 4pm. There was no way we were going to make it. Bummer! We did get some quality time with the kids though. At the last minute we had a bowling match. They got a bowling set for Christmas. We set them up in the hall and we all took turns. It was bunch of fun. Cheeto was goofing off and through the ball down the hall and it ended up hitting Kelson. He kept saying, "OOOOOO.... OOOOOOOO." I asked him what the problem was and he said, "Dad's ball hit me." Ya know, where it hurts lil' boys. That was funny! It obviously didn't hurt too bad. He was laughing too! Cheeto and I watched "Dan in Real Life." I thought it was a cute movie. Cheeto said it was too much like a 'chick-flick" for him. He is so hard to please when it comes to movies. I just like Steve Carrell. I do recommend it.

This morning was a mad dash. I woke up and thought both the boys games were at 1ish. I gathered up kids and went to my body pump class at the gym. On the way home, Jake's mom called and asked if I would bring snack today. I said sure and then she said, we'll see you in an hour. WHAT! was she serious. Yep Cade's game was at 11:20am. It was 10:20 when I got home. I got home to find Cheeto still asleep. I think we set an Arellano record. We both showered and got snacks and were still early to the game. That was madness! Kelson's game was at 1:15pm. Cheeto went and got us McDonalds for lunch. We had our first McDonald's happy meal free. Kelson was upset for maybe 30 seconds. I told them if they ever got to eat at McDonald's again it would be without happy meals. We had some time to kill before Kelson's game. The kids and Cheeto were playing soccer on the little fields. Cheeto and I had watched "Victory" last weekend and I had asked him if he could do these soccer tricks. He said he could. He showed me one today. I have to admit that brings Cheeto to a whole other level of hotness in my book. It was cool to see him to that. He just laughs at me and you may all too, but I never knew Cheeto when he played soccer. I would have most definately would have been chasing him in high school. That just makes him more hot! Anywho....Kelson scored 2 goals today at his game. He was so excited. I think they are his first ones. I just got done throwing garbage bags full of junk toys away. I'm not about to start filling my house again with them. When we got home, Cheeto went to work to study and I finished up a few things around the house. I made him his favorite, an apple pie all for himself. I told Kelson it was daddy's so I made the kids cookies. I actually didn't make them, I just use boughten bake yourself cookies. The kids loved them and I didn't have to make a mess in the kitchen. We both won! After all the help Cheeto has done this week, he deserved an apple pie all for himself. I purposely made it smaller than usual. I could and would eat an entire pie if I would let him. So by making it smaller, he doesn't eat as much. hee hee! :)

Funny Kid Quote of the Day
There are too many to quote just one! I can't remember them all enough to relate them to be funny again. More next time! However, did I mention we have a new family pet. Analise! She keeps pretending she is a dog. Drives us nuts! I have always said, as bad as it sounds, kids are like dogs. The drool, make messes, poop, pee and require you to take them outside, need to be fed, they wake you up in the morning, they sometimes stink. The list can go on. However, kids don't shed and their food doesn't stink. I prefer kids over pets anyday though! Kids are just cuter!