Monday, March 03, 2008


Sunday was a Sunday. Church, dinner, popcorn party and bed. However, dinner was kind of funny. Mom had bought a marinaded pork loin at Costco the other day. Cheeto nor I are fans of pork. I really like a pork zucchini thing that mom makes but not really any other way. However, we will eat it. As we put the food on the table both boys said, "OH YUM! CHICKEN!" I gave everyone "the look". You know, the looks that says, "don't say a thing or your dead meat!" I led them all, Analise included, that is was chicken just so they would try it. For the next 5 minutes, it seemed like it was a contest to see how many times we could say "chicken." I think Kris was getting a bit bugged by the whole thing. Just as I was getting ready to tell Cade that it wasn't chicken, Lettie says, "I know what we should have for a lesson for FHE tomorrow night... not lying." I then, leaned over and whispered to Cade, "Hey buddy, do you like the chicken." He replied, "Yes." "Guess what honey, it's not really chicken, it's called pork." All he said was oh. He then picked a potato up with his fork and was getting ready to ask Cheeto what it was. Cheeto beat him to it and said, "But really Cade, that is a potato." It was funny! We all got a good laugh. Analise still called it chicken, we couldn't change her mind.
I had a busy day today. It could've gone a lot better. First thing to get done was to mail my business taxes. Right before Cheeto left, I noticed that Analise's bed was broke. I guess the kids had jumped on it so much that one of the support boards had split causing it to sag in the middle. I was glad that a $4 replacement board from Lowes was all it took to fix it. I had told Kelson I had 'some' errands to run. I didn't give him an exact number. I know he has a number limit next time. So our errand list went as follows: bank, Lowes, Post office, Tobacco USA (not what you think!) and Joanns. As we left the post office, Kelson informed me that he was done and not going anywhere else. I was wondering what that meant. I just asked him to get in his car seat and said let's go- you're with me kid! Turns out Tobacco USA and Joann's were pointless. Neither place had what I was looking for. Bummer! We got home, at lunch and got ready for my impression appointment at 1pm. Seems like from then on the rest of the day was a blur. Once cade gets home, my day is done. Homework, dinner, and bedtime routine engulfs the rest of the day. Crazy what one child in school does to our lives.
I'm now sitting here waiting for Cheeto to get home from studying. He got me situated on the couch before he left. I told him I would probably be in the same spot when he returned. The past 4 days have be the worst! I talked to more doctors today. They are thinking more torn muscles or something. I think we are grasping for anything at this point. We are thinking about trying some deep heat therapy just to see how that works out. I walked around with a heating pad and that seems to help. I just pray someone will find something and I can start living a normal life again. This quality of life is starting to wear on everyone it seems. I'm very blessed with an incredible husband that can love me even when I feel useless. I have great kids that help me however they can. I have a lot to be grateful for, even if it doesn't include health!

Funny kid quote of the day

Analise: Yesterday morning while I was blogging I had sat my phone next to me on the couch. I went looking for it and couldn't find it. I asked the boys and Kelson said he had seen Analise with it. We just got new smartphones and the kids know they are not to play with them. I asked Analise and she gave me the "I don't know" shrug. I asked again, "where is my phone, Sas?" About five minutes later she walks into the living room and shows me my phone and says, "Oh, this mommy? This?" She acted like she didn't know what my phone looked like. I said, "YES- that" What did she think i was asking about. Little cutie knows how to make us laugh.


Stacey said...

That sucks...I got it at Joanns for like 99 cents. You could use my pattern. I can just copy it and send it to you.
Let me know if that will work for you. I could sell you some....if you really want me too. I could also send you the pattern...let me know!