Friday, March 21, 2008

Mama told me there would be days like this!

Good Friday is hopefully better than stinky Thursday! I don't think I have had so many rotten things happen in one day! I went to my therapy appointment first. It went ok. Lindsay found that my iliac soas muscle was as tight as a rope. She said that muscle is what moves your back and legs. It attaches from your lower back and down the bottom of the hip. When you sit or lie down that muscle relaxes. She worked it out a bit causing some pain the rest of the day. She gave me some stretches and such to do to help keep it from knotting up again. As soon as I got home, I was going to run to Joann's to get some patterns, that I thought were on sale for $.99. I had picked out some really cute ones and some fabric to finish Analise's Easter dress. When I went to check out the patterns were ringing up for $11 and $15. WHAT THE????? I was so ticked I had driven all the way over there and they weren't on sale. I tried to just let it go. I went to meet the church playgroup at the park. Kelson and Analise were so excited. However, the wind was so bitter cold and Kelson refused to wear a jacket, so we weren't able to stay too long. Analise was in the swing and resisting getting out with all her might. After I finally won, she still screamed across the playground. A lady walking her dog, a big colley, walked around the corner of the bathroom buildings, Analise was over the swing thing pretty fast. She did not want me to put her down after she saw that dog. She was pointing to the car and saying, "Go bye-bye!" I wanted to run to Wal-Mart to check for patterns. I had told Kelson when we left the house there was going to be only one errand, so when I said we were going to go to Wal-Mart he had a cow. He said, "Mom, you promised one errand! I just don't that this is right to do 2." I told him tough and get over it. Well, I didn't say it exactly like that. I try not to be like that kind of mother! After finding the pattern and talking with myself, I just couldn't spend $7 more on this dress. For $5 more I could just buy another already made dress. I left Wal-Mart without purchasing one thing. How often does that happen? I was so upset about the realization of not making Analise's dress. Those of you that know me, you know I love to make my kids things. I was excited to make this dress! Now she has to be like every other little girl and have a boughten dress. Why does this bother me so much? Why can't a boughten dress be just as good in my mind? This just set the mood for the rest of the day. I came home for lunch and quiet time before I had to go get Cade for dentist appointments. Cheeto's stomach wasn't feeling well so he was home for an hour or so. He stayed with sleeping Analise, while Kelson and I went to pick up Cade. I pinched Kelson's finger in the seatbelt so he was mad at me. We were also able to pick up kindergarton registration papers for him. He was so excited. I can't believe I'm sending Kelson to school in the fall. WOW!! Time does fly! Anywho...We came home. Cheeto went back to work. We packed up and headed to the dentist. This is the first time I have had to take all 3 kids to one of my dentist appointments. Kelson had the idea of boys will stay together and the girls will stay together. So Kelson sat and watched Cade get his teeth cleaned, while Analise sat on my lap and watched me. They did pretty good! I wish our cleaning report went as well. I told you before that Cheeto came home with 14 tiny cavities. Let's just add to that number, Cade had one tiny surface one. She said she wouldn't even have to numb him to fix it. And then me.... I use to crunch ice constantly when I was younger. In doing so, I had to have a lot of fillings on my back teeth. These fillings have broken down in spots due to lack of calcium. My body drains calcium like crazy, especially while I'm pregnant. Well, I have 10 that have to fixed. What the? I'm so ticked! This was not an expense that I like to pay. Why is dental work so dang expensive? ARGH!!!! We have no other choice unless we want our teeth to fall out. I obviously don't have as good as dental insurance as I do medical! After the dentist we came home to get dinner. I had enrichment so Cheeto was just coming home as I was leaving to give him more working time. I thought since he wasn't eating with the kids I would fix them their Kraft Mac & Cheese. Cade was excited. He said he didn't like the Spiderman noodles and wouldn't eat. That just added to my day. I had to fight him 40 minutes to eat Mac & Cheese of all things! I was relieved to go to enrichment last night. I needed to get away, even if it were just for a couple of hours. Being spiritually uplifted help me take things in a different perspective. I have a lot of work in that department. I need to remember the Lord doesn't give us trials that we are unable to handle. Of course they aren't going to be easy to solve or survive, but we always get through them. I came to kiss Cheeto good-bye. He went back to the office to study some more. I fought to get the boys asleep. I decided to read some more Twilight. Many have been convincing enough for me to keep reading. I fell asleep doing so. Cheeto must have taken me to bed because the last thing I remember was him turning the TV on for us to watch LOST. I don't even remember watching the first minute of it.