Thursday, March 20, 2008

I don't want to SSSHHHHH.....

Yesterday was a pretty good day. #1 r eason- I had no where to be. The van didn't move an inch. I love days like this! #2 reason- I had no pains until almost 6pm. Seriously days that I have like this are great. I was so tired and unproductive though. I really should have taken advantage of running errands or cleaning while I felt ok. I did make dinner. That has been a first in weeks. I usually have do something frozen that takes 15 minutes or less. I did watch my friend, Andrea's little girl, Aubrey. Kelson and Analise love it when Aubrey comes to play. Analise had a rough day yesterday. I think she was tired from going to bed almost 2 hours later than usual the night before. She screamed and whined about everything. Aubrey I guess was as tired of it as I was. She finally turned around and told her to SSSHHH! Analise came running to me, stomped her foot and screamed, "Aubrey tol me SSSHHHH! I NO SSSHHH!" She was so upset about this that she didn't want to play with her for quite awhile. Analise was definitely not herself yesterday! Cheeto came home for lunch a bit bummed for some reason. I have yet to know why. It's ok, sometimes it's for my own good. But knowing he was upset and having such a bad day, kinda turned the rest of my afternoon the same way. I can't fix everything! Obviously! Cade had a field trip to the Natural Science Center. Grandma went with him this time. It's good for him to have share them with other family. I think they both enjoyed each other. Mom's report was she was glad she wasn't a 2nd grade teacher. Just having a few kids ignoring the teacher was enough to drive her nuts. There is always somebody. I'll have to get pictures from her later to post. Cade came home in a good mood and we started dinner.

Analise really wanted to help! When I turned around, Analise had gotten her play apron, play pot, and complete with plastic play food. She was standing on her stool and had it all on the stove, stirring it. She was ready! I told her we were going to cook real food. I guess it's really been that long since I have cooked. I believe I'm a bit rusty too! Dinner was simply OK. Not great by a long mile! Kids were in good spirits the rest of the night; running wild through the house. This is when Cheeto and I look at each other and really wish our house were bigger, perhaps with a basement and door to send the kids. Cheeto got Analise to bed. I read the boys stories. Cheeto left to go back to work. I sent the boys to bed. And finally.... the house was quiet! The first time in hours! I usually get work done on the computer this time of day. However, tonight I decided to read "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyers. I'm sure a lot of you reading this have already read the book and completely surprised that I'm so late in jumping on the bandwagon. My dear sister-in-law said it's must! I have been reading it while on the bikes at the gym. But I have to read it slower while doing that at the same time. I got quite a ways into it last night- to the part it starts talking about the "cold ones." I began to wonder if this was going to be a scary book. I don't do scary or freaky. I had to call my mom to find out. It was after 10pm. She was shocked I was still awake. She said it's not what you think and to keep reading. I agreed I would read more today.
The rest of us have dentist appointments today. I have therapy this morning. And thankfully because of spring break all soccer practices have been canceled this week. YIPPEE!!!! I do need to get on making Analise's easter dress and many other sewing birthday gifts for family. I pray that today I feel as good or the same as yesterday.

Funny Kid Quote of the Day
Kelson: Last night after I had sent him to bed, he came to visit me on the couch. I noticed he was dressed in his day clothes. I asked him why he took his pj's off. This was his reply, "I'm tired of Cade beating me dressed in the morning. Tomorrow morning, I'll already be dressed so I will beat him." Such a tricky child! He was proud this morning when Cade was getting dressed and Kelson popped out of bed saying, "TADA! I beat you!"


Lacey said...

The Twilight books are great. Jason did chuckle when I told him what they were about. I think he thinks I am losing it. To be honest, they did freak me out a bit. But, I read them late at night while home alone because Jason was gone. Probably not the best time to read those books. There are only certain parts that are freaky and if Jason would have been here, I am not sure it would have bothered me at all. Just keep reading them. The first book is slow moving at first and was my least favorite. Book 2 moves much faster.